
See awsome scripture revelation

See below videos for stunning End Time revelations and understandings

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The books are opening! as Daniel was told they would be in the End Days

Daniel 12:4

“But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased”

Thank you Holy Spirit for using us and working through us.
Ministry Revealed

Jesus Christ told us everything concerning himself in all scripture

Luke 24:44

“These are the words which I spake unto you, while I was yet with you, that all things must be fulfilled, which were written in the law of Moses, and in the prophets, and in the psalms, concerning me.”

Videos here are English only. But on our YouTube channel you can view them in your language with subtitles. We encourage everyone to download the videos and save them on your computers, laptops and desktops. Help leave the understanding for those who will remain.
July 25, 2024

Are You Baptized Ready!

Hello Fourteeners. Here it is. The baptism teaching I had mentioned was coming as we got closer:) It's the baptism revelation in the IS of now and its importance and how it plays out in the Is To Come. But it's also more than that! Where it leads and how it leads us through the revelation and how it connections is incredible in itself... right to the end of the millennial reign!...

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July 20, 2024

The Complete Discourses REVEALED

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Welcome to another exciting teaching. I love these kinds of teachings where all three of the synoptic gospels are covered and clearly show the Revelation in one complete story. But also in tonight's video I start with some wonderful insight from an interview with one of the authors of the book I've shared about a few times called; The Forth Turning...

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July 10, 2024

Enoch'd... Right On Target!

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. This is one of the most... no, the most revealing teaching to date in relation to Confirming the understanding of the revelation of When... It ALL Begins!!! I don't say this lightly. This is a Confirmation, a Word, and a Revelation here today, that I believe as you will witness...

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July 05, 2024

The Complete REVELATION of the END TIMES 7 Churches

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sister. Welcome back. Today's teaching is an incredible one! Powerful And packed with new and previously revealed revelation of the 7 churches of the end of days. A teaching more detailed then we've ever done. Now all available in one place. So get those Berean hats on and get ready for an in depth, detailed revelation of the end time 7 churches like none other...

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June 30, 2024

Before The Transfiguration!

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Welcome back to another deep revelation!!! Another layer has been discovered! It's similar the the Mustard Seed teaching in relation to the chapter layout. But in this layer something new is been revealed. We see the purposed layout that reveals how and why these chapters Begin the way they do🤯... All the words, and none of the words:)...

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June 25, 2024

The White Horse Rider... Fully REVEALED!

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. I know we've revealed the White Horse Rider before. But never to this level of detail... from ONE verse!!! We can now show unequivocally Who the Rider on the White Horse IS, and When He IS! We Are Here...

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June 20, 2024

Bust And Revival

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Welcome back to another exciting NEW revelation. Today we focus on Josiah and the revelation of his typology as Jesus in the revelation of the Is To Come. It's incredible to see the Word continuously keep revealing itself! And even the literal "years" discussed! Book after book after book, the Lord is revealing Himself in His word. And today's is another example of it...

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June 15, 2024

Let The Countdown BEGIN (well almost:)

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Welcome back. You'll understand the reason for "well almost" about halfway through or so:) I got a little ahead of myself... by about, a week, in the declaring of the countdown I wanted. Yet this was the timing I wanted to put this video out based on the world's understanding of their Feast of Weeks. So the actual countdown as you'll understand will begin in a week from today!!!

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June 10, 2024

Surrounding The Mustard Seed

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Wow, tonight is another New, exciting, prophecy filled revelation! I had no idea until this afternoon what I was going to be teaching on and so asked diligently for the Spirit to lead me. And low and behold... I was led to scripture that a Sister had asked about in relation to the Parable of the Mustard Seed!!!

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June 04, 2024

IS THIS REALLY IT... you decide!

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Today we do this a little differently. We're going to go through quite a few videos and clips to make the point of where we are and how long the world of "AI" tells us we have left... from their positive side and their doom side. I do this to show what's literally happening, has been predicted, and written about for over 30 years. ALL of it telling us the exact time we're in right now at this moment and year!!!

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Mai 30, 2024

JUDAH's Revelation

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Welcome back to another revealing:) Today for the first time we reveal the prophetic revelation of the book of Zephaniah! It's similar to the Pre, Mid, and Post in its third chapters... but not really? And the reason I say, not really, as you'll see is because the focus of this book is to JUDAH. As we know Judah is here till the end to receive their promised millennial reign. And we know there's begins with destruction, followed by the destruction of their enemies, and finally them being fully received by the LORD GOD with such great joy... that the LORD Himself will SING!!!

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Mai 25, 2024

70 / 70 (Daniel)

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Welcome back to another power packed teaching. Today's focus is tied together from a whole lot of the book of Daniel! Filled with deeper insights into his prophetic is to come than we've even tracked before. It's truly incredible to see, especially the woven understanding that we revealed about 2 years ago in relation to how there's a 70 that starts it and one that must end it. Just wild!!!

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Mai 20, 2024

As The Sand Of The Sea

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Hold on tight. This teaching is a trip and not for the faint of heart. If you're new, I recommend watching other teachings well before this one. Though you are free to watch if you'd like. But just know this is going deep into heavy areas of prophecy. It will be confirming with greater detail what we've revealed throughout the years and will do so with even more from ancient texts.

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Mai 15, 2024

The DETAILED Tribulation Timeline

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Alright, here it is! I know many have been waiting for the New Detailed Timeline Chart teaching, in full. So here it is. Now when I say, in full, I mean as much as can be covered in a somewhat reasonable timeframe... because the truth is we could break it all down from every connected scripture for days! But you 'll understand what I mean by, in full, as you watch and see how the focus is the timeline of the chart and how it's laid out.

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Mai 10, 2024


Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sister. Wow, wow, wow. Hold onto your hats! This one is powerful and so incredibly exciting to follow and understand together. I'm so excited to share tonight's teaching with you all. I pray it blesses you and strengthens you and many, many more in the true understanding of the revelation of the "Is To Come" of Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior. We cover many areas tonight and tie them all together.

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Mai 05, 2024

The Opening Attacks

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Welcome back. Today's teaching has come by request. The main focus, as I tried not to go too far down other trails, is about how we've come to understand the 2 attacks that begin it all. The who, when, and where? And what scripture, history, harvests, and even Jesus's birth and John's imprisonment, have revealed to us about all of it!

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April 25, 2024

Unleavened to Leavened!

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Tonight we will be building on the end of the last teaching. I spoke about how Ivan had gone into a study about bread and how it led to the gospels. So tonight we have Ivan and myself going deeper into it. He shares what he's discovered and I tie it in prophetically to the wording within the gospels based on the differences. And how incredibly revealing and confirming it is!!! The key is to understand is... there is Good leaven and Bad leaven!...

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April 20, 2024

Preparing To Receive... The END Of Your Faith

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Welcome back to another action packed word revelation:) From lambS to the Kingdom of Heaven! Get ready, because this one is another telling confirmation of the Lord's Remnant workers. That reveals even deeper connections to their role as lambs of The Lamb, witnesses of The True Witness, lively stones of The Living Stone, and so much more. This revelation today is in two parts, and a third that we only slightly touch on, but will build on more in the future...

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April 14, 2024

Saw A Great LIGHT

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Wow, get ready for a depth of word study into the deeper revealing of the Holy Remnant. The volunteer soldiers of the Lord in the Is To Come. What Was and Is, Shall Be... amplified!!! A Royal priesthood from the High Priest, Light filled from The LIGHT, Lively stones from the Rock! (you'll understand as you watch:)...

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April 10, 2024

The Holy Remnant (cast it deep)

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Welcome back after the beautiful eclipse sign in the heavens. Today we bring our focus back on His remnant being prepared:) And we do it with added revelation that builds on what has been revealed...

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April 04, 2024

Vowed to Pay Tribute

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Welcome back. Today we have more New exciting confirming revelation. It has happened often, but I never tire of it! It's incredible to read and sense the Spirit leading throughout. GOD is good. And today goes deep...

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March 30, 2024

The Leah And Rachel Understanding (and Two Seats)

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Welcome back. Today we start off with a little fear of the LORD scripture and then readying strengthening scripture:) From their we reveal another confirmation from the Septuagint about Two Thrones🤯 Absolutely wild to see before our eyes. Because though it was somewhat understood in a sense...

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March 25, 2024

Prophecy... Missed

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Welcome to today's Shareable:) I wanted to make a short enough, yet clear and precise enough, teaching to help us reach many more in the revelation of the Gospels with a focus on the Discourses. To really help others see, WHAT'S BEEN MISSED!...

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March 20, 2024

Truth And A Fall

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Welcome back. Today we go deep into the revelation of Judas from the... "is" and the "is to come". And see how just as Elijah was said to have been fulfilled in the "is" by John, we know is also to be fulfilled in the "is to come". Judas's story is also a prophetic also...

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March 15, 2024

The Eagle Flying

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Welcome back to another teaching filled with New and Confirming revelation. The Holy Ghost is absolutely leading in the Word! I found this to be another incredibly exciting video because what it Reveals it Also... Confirms. That's what makes these types of teachings so exciting. Finding new revelation that proves What we have understood and Where we've understood it, is absolutely perfect...

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March 10, 2024

The INCREDIBLE Tribulation Counts Revealed (must watch)

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. This one is a trip:) It's all revealed right before our eyes! It has been understood. We KNOW from the revelation of scripture that the unequivocal start of the 14 years Will Be at the Feast of Trumpets!!! We have already understood and proven what comes first. And today we'll see the truth of the timing of the end of days from start to finish. All From Scripture...

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March 05, 2024

Leviathan And Behemoth... Revelation Revealed

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Welcome back. Tonight's teaching goes deep. Not one I recommend for new people, though you're all free to watch:) However, I always recommend starting with the Intro Series discussed in the beginning, for all who are new. For the rest of you, get your Berean hats on and get ready to follow along. Because once again we go from Gen. to Rev. and a bunch in between, as well as touching on three apocryphal books...

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February 24, 2024

WHY and WHEN This Year

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Welcome back for another Extremely exciting teaching! Today is all about a quote by Sir Isaac Newton; "About the times of the End, a body of men will be raised up who will turn their attention to the prophecies, and insist upon their literal interpretation, in the midst of much clamor and opposition." And tonight's attention is, The Revelation of The Beginning of it ALL... being in 2024!!! Enjoy, soak it up, pray over it, understand it. Because once you do🤯 It's beautiful to see and understand our Lord in such a way:)...

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February 18, 2024

The Covenant With Many

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. It's a heavy tonight! Finally a teaching focusing on and revealing the understanding of scripture that has been so misunderstood for centuries... The Covenant With Many!!! But that's not where we start tonight:) We'll begin with a little rehash of the last teaching covering the main point with a full year calendar on one screen. So everyone can follow along and clearly see and understand presicely When Jesus spoke about "you say 4 months" from John 4...

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February 13, 2024

"You Say 4 Months..." John 4 REVEALED! (incredible)

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Well, here it is! The one so many have been waiting for:) And not only us here in MR, but so many in the watchmen community. The revelation of John 4 and what Jesus was talking about and meant, when He told the apostles... You say there are yet 4 months... This Is Awesome! And it's deep...

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February 08, 2024

The Falsehood of OSAS and More Importantly Why All The Misunderstandings?

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. This is from the Live Show I did this past Friday on the Bride Of Christ channel (sorry for the quality for some reason connection wasn't the best). It was a great teaching and I wanted many more to hear it. And the reason I say that, and why I'm sharing it here. Is because it was about much more then simply explaining what scripture tells us, that proves why Once Saved Always Saved is not true...

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February 03, 2024

The 22 Years Creation to Tribulation

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Welcome back. Today's teaching is the revelation of the big picture. I had a request for an updated teaching on it. This is the incredible revelation of how the story of the creations is the story of the End of Days... 777 and 1! And how the "Was" and "Is" reveal the "Is To Come". And my goodness is it ever powerful to witness it unfold...

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January 26, 2024

The 144,000

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. A number of you have requested a clear video revealing the complete revelation of the 144,000... Well Here It Is!!! And it's powerful to see and understand. Wait till you see how the revelation of them jumps out in its clarity. All of it is completely inline with all parts of the revelation we've revealed over the years. And now all in one place so everyone can understand and respond to anyone who wants to know... about the 144,000...

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January 23, 2024

His Remnant and The Son of Perdition

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Welcome back. Today we have another great in depth teaching that brings more clarity and evidence. We go from the remnant workers as John the Baptist/ Elijah confirmation to the "little child" and son of perdition! And we do it using two other Brothers teachings. It's great to see what they're seeing, but even better when we're able to bring more clarity to what they're seeing in part...

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January 17, 2024

Man, Ox, Eagle, Lion (awesome)

Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sister. Welcome back😁 Today we have another great teaching with more sight connected to the workers, as well as more confirmations. From three worker groups confirmed in the priestly line, to a translation to heaven in the presence of the Father first, then the Son. And where it happened, and what was said,... was perfect. Just as the revelations we've revealed...

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January 12, 2024

We Have The... TIES That BINDS (Jew and Gentile)

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. I pray today's teaching blesses you as I know it has me. And prayerfully it will bless many, many more. Because when you truly consider just how powerful the revelation of the opened books are, as you'll see in today's teaching. You Will understand why I've called it, The Tie That Binds! What we have, not only reveals the true end time understanding...

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January 07, 2024

The Revelation 12 Sign... COUNTDOWN REVEALED!

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. While many of you who have been around for a while will know these things. Seeing their connections to the Revelation 12 "sign", will certainly help strengthen you in understanding that... This Is The Year! And for everyone who's new or newer to the ministry...

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January 02, 2024

REMEMEBER... Our Victory IS At Hand (don't be caught sleeping)

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Happy Last Gregorian New Year 2024! What a journey this past year has been in the revelation of Jesus Christ in His "Is To Come". My goodness, it's hard to even comprehend all of it. I'm so grateful it's been with each and everyone of you, old and new to the ministry. The Spirit is working hard in these final moments preparing Jesus's bride. And I cannot wait to see and understand everything that is yet to come...

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December 28, 2023

Preparing HIS Remnant Servants (we're going deep)

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. 🤯 I hope you're ready for this one? If you've ever believed here in this ministry that you may be a remnant worker of His bride being prepared to server Him during seals...

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December 22, 2023

PRE Trib... WHEN and WHY!

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Well here it is. A number of people have asked if I could do a short video on the timing of the Pre Trib Escape of the Bride of Christ with the reasoning for it. Well, this was as short as I could make it to be Shareable with others. And yet have enough detail from scripture, history, and literal harvest seasons on the earth, to bring it all together.

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December 16, 2023

The Coming 4 MESSIAHS (end time Mystery)

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Alright... time to complete the picture of the fulfillment of the end times Messiah Ben Joseph and Messiah Ben David. And to do so we need to reveal the coming times of Each that will Fulfill... The Coming 4 Messiahs... in order of appearance and fulfillment in the end of days.

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December 11, 2023

Messiah Ben Joseph to Messiah Ben David... REVEALED (Incredible!)

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Ohhh my! Hold on to your seats. Take it slow. This IS the Revelation of the Difference between Messiah Ben David and Messiah Ben Joseph, revealed and understood as we have NEVER understood before. The picture of the Again is now understood! And Much, Much More!!! So do not be afraid to pause rewind and listen when it gets deep. Because this is the revelation.

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December 05, 2023

The Mystery of Mystery Babylon's Destruction... REVEALED!

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. We've got a BIG MYSTERY being Revealed tonight! I've been studying hard for a few days, and have been in this area digging for a few weeks as you may have seen in recent revelations, with videos from Revelation 17 and 18 and Daniel 7 and 8. But still wasn't able to get a big piece of understanding I was looking for with Mystery Babylon?

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November 23, 2023

The 153 Fish (understanding like never before)

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Happy Thanksgiving to our American family:) As we draw closer and closer to the beginning of the end, we've known greater and deeper understanding would continue to be revealed. And my goodness is it ever happening. And today's teaching is more evidence of it. This is "The Deepest"😁 revelation of the understanding of John 21's "153 fish" and it's end time connections... yet!!!

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November 18, 2023

The BEAST of Revelation (as you have never understood before)

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Well... here it is! For those of you who are a part of the forum. I explained why I hadn't put out a video last night... this was why!!! (I briefly explain in the video as well for those who didn't know) This revelation of understanding is one we've been desiring to understanding for years. So find a quiet place, and get ready to follow, diligently dig into, make notes and more:)

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November 08, 2023

Ancient Scrolls Prophetically Proven

Hello Brothers and Sisters. Here it is. The apocryphal books revelation I had mentioned I would do a video on, revealed through scripture understanding. We touch on 7, yes, 7 apocryphal books tonight. And is it ever incredible to see all put together in one video. Not one piece out of place from the entire revelation we've first revealed through scripture! GOD is good and His Spirit is most certainly leading:)

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November 08, 2023

The Struggle, The Victory, The Revelation (it's already won)

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. In part of today's video I share some of what had been going on with me recently and how I was stopped before what I had been planning got started, thanks to the leading of the Spirit to the writings of Polycarp. I pray it blesses and helps some of you who may be going through something similar that you're concerned my or already is pulling you a little way from your time with the LORD.

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November 03, 2023

The 4 Watches REVEALED!

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Today we go into a deeper more revealing look of each worker group. But this time with more of a focus on being able to determine that the seals workers are clearly two groups represented as the 2 men on the road in Luke 24. You'll see how for those believing the possibility of two groups of 144,000 one foe seals and one for trumpets, doesn't line up? We'll cover this and more with plenty of evidence from scripture.

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October 29, 2023

The MYSTERY of Luke Knowing All Things In Order!

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Shareables. Today's video has come by request, based on a recent Shorts video. And I felt it would be a great time to tie it all together... In Order:) And all I can say is...Wow. As we've continued to grow in the revelation and tie more pieces together. What a picture Luke reveals to us In the Order of his Revelation. I pray it blesses you all.

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October 24, 2023

HIS Little Flock

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sister. In today's Little Flock video we cover more new revelation and their connections to the remnant bride who will serve the Lord remaining with Him during His temptation and seals. It's incredible to see and understand the level of detail we can continue to pull out for this group being prepared. I sure hope and pray after all these years that we will be All ready and watching. Having been... Watchers in Advance!

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October 18, 2023

Natan's Visions From Heaven... REVEALED!!!

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. We have an Exciting one tonight. I was very excited to get this you to you all. You will see and understand more of the end of days, then you ever have! This vision Nathan had when he died is so incredible packed with confirmations... INCLUDING the Start Day of the year!!! No seriously:) But that's not it. There's so much more. GOD is good and His Spirit is most certainly leading in the Word.

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October 13, 2023

Revealing The Revelation... Where and When🤯

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. I hope you're sitting down and ready to pause and take notes. This is an Action packed Revealing of Revelation as you'll have never seen before! This one even blew me away with the amount of scripture detail we can confirm through revelation... INCLUDING NAMES In The NEWS, and From HISTORY!!! Right before our eyes👀

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October o4, 2023

Incredible NEW Wedding Garment Revelations!!

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sister. Welcome back to more exciting NEW, revealing, and confirming revelation. As we dig deeper into today's topics of the Minas and Talents in their connections to the weddingS weeks. We reveal new and exciting revelation about the end times GARMENTS. Of not only the two weddings of the Luke Pre trib Gentile bride's, and Matthew Post trib Jewish bride's. But also of those from the Mark Mid trib great multitude Rapture! Who though they have No wedding... will have their Garments too:)

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Septembre 19, 2023

REVEALING the Pre Trib, and Mid Trib RAPTURES, and Post Trib RETURN... TIMING!

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Yes... you read the title correctly! We Know When... the Pre trib and Mid trib Raptures will happen, as well as the Post Trib Return in any given year. And based on greater revelation these past few months and two more testimonies shared here tonight. I BELIEVE we can also declare the year it Will All Begin. And if that's the case we know WHEN the Pre, Mid, and Post tribulation of Raptures and Return Will Happen🤯

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Septembre 13, 2023

A Powerful💪Conversation… from Poisoning to book Burning

Hello Brothers and Sisters. This is powerful. Today's video is a portion of my conversation with our Brother Steve on the ground in Uganda. And my goodness, what they endure to preach the word of GOD, as well as to get the Revelation of Jesus out to help prepare them for the time that's at hand... is something most of us will never have to experience. From POISONING to BOOK BURNINGS and a whole lot in between.

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Septembre 09, 2023

Messiah 2024, 2030, 2037

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Welcome back to another full meal deal:) This one is so incredible! It's all about each of the comings and times of the Messiah from start to finish. I pray it blesses and strengthens you as it has me. It's so incredibly exciting to understand. And all I can say is; Thank you LORD for the leading of your Holy Ghost in the revelation of Jesus Christ, the Word, our Lord and Savior. And please help it reach many more in your will. Amen🙏

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Septembre 05, 2023

Understanding The Mid Trib Timing of DANIEL 7

To better understand more of what the scriptures tell us about this topic and more

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August 30, 2023


Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Well today we sum up and complete the prophetic revelation of the book of Romans. And my goodness is it is it ever All incredibly revealing! The prophetic layer hidden in Romans is crystal clear. And its focus is 100% to His remnant bride... VESSEL... MADE KNOWN! I pray it blesses you as it has me. His Spirit is most certainly leading in His Word🙏...

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August 25, 2023

A Remnant Seed!

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. I tried and pushed to get the rest of Romans, in the prophetic, finished tonight which is why it's another long video today. But... I still couldn't get it all in:) I kind of knew it too, because Romans 9 I knew was action packed with everywhere I knew it was leading me too. So get ready for even greater insight into Romans and it's prophetic insight into the Is To Come... in particular... for His Remnant Seed... workers!...

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August 20, 2023

Romans... Glorious and Conquering!

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Well here it is... the Romans video I had been mentioning was coming. Ok... in part? There was no way I could put it all in one video. So there will be another part. And it's exciting. Wait until you see the deeper "is to come" revealed throughout the book of Romans! It's AWESOME. And it certainly is a preparation for His remnant "seed" works. And it's filled with new and deep revelation. Connected to everything it should be where it should. GOD is good...

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August 09, 2023

KJV Strikes Again!

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Whattttt... 1 hour and 45 minutes!!! Yes I'm ok, there's nothing wrong with me I'm not promising they'll all be this length going forward. However I am working on keeping them all under 2.5 hours moving forward, with the exception of Live Shows. Well tonight is yet another extremely exciting one. Filled with new insight built on top of proven prophecy that's been revealed here clearly over the years. It's incredible:) And this time it's the literal Bible itself in the KJV, that's the star focus!...

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August 04, 2023

It's About The Zeros And Ones

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Well I'm sure I'm going to take some heat for this one. But please be sure to watch and listen to it in full before you do! I have never lied to you and I never will. So please know that I share this with you from the bottom of my heart as the revelation comes to be understood with me. I keep nothing from you especially when it comes to the revelation of His word. ...

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July 17, 2023

Noah 2.0

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. This is another over the top incredible revelation! And once more builds on and proves the scriptures and last video of the importance of the feast of Trumpets beginning the 14 years after the 50 days and Starting the final 14th year!!! But when the 14th years Ends🤯 Could have ONLY been in the final year as Noah's as we've always taught...

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July 12, 2023

But of That Day And Hour (the revelation)

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. I couldn't hold in tonight more than ever... I was excited during this one. It just builds and builds! Everything is truly pointing to this season and time we have understood. Connecting revelations from over 5 years ago all the way through to tonight... it's all point to now! It's incredible. And to build on it all tonight, even the understanding of the day and hour no one knows from Both Mark and Matthew are revealed and understood. Telling us with even more understanding that this is the time understood...

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July 02, 2023

In Order... Start to Finish

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Welcome to the big one:) From beginning to end! The perfect time for it after the last one that revealed the best, biggest and greatest high watch of them all. Now's the time to lay it all out in order in the revelation of the opened books. PS. I began to tell the story of no one knowing the day from the LORD telling them. But forgot to go to 2Esdras about it from our Sister's dream. When she woke up she, as she had fallen asleep listening to 2Esdras, it was the end of chapter 8 to the start of chapter 9. And here's what it says. Another confirmation that I believe tells us no one will receive it, but for those watching and understanding will know...

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June 27, 2023

The Shmitas (sabbath years)

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Welcome back. Finally as promised the Shimta/ Sabbath years chart laid out. You'll all be able to see and dig into it for yourselves, to see and understand... it truly is All in Order! My goodness does this revelation of piece after piece after all these years, finally come together. And I cannot hide my excitement about it. It has taken a few years, but it is now all there. This and much more shared in today's video. What an incredible time we're living in. And I believe we need to remind ourselves of that more than ever. Blessings to all..

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June 21, 2023

Let's Make It Clear:)

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Get Ready... THIS IS IT:).

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June 16, 2023

The Grapes of Wrath!

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Wow this is a deep one... and FILLED with New Revelation. Even one that happened while recording and it was a wild one that literally equaled the date we're looking at 🤯 But like I said this one is deep and will require your Berean hats. But once you follow it... you'll get it. The answer is 70 and 70. The final being... The Grapes of Wrath!!! If you're new to the ministry, I'm sorry I don't believe you'll be tracking this one (but that's ok you have some great intro videos to get you caught up).

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June 11, 2023

Taurus... The Beginning or The Beginning!

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Wow... if you're not a farmer, get ready for a little lesson in grain (and wine) timing:) I went down a trail to try and understand how Barley could be ready so early each year. And I finally got my answer and soooo much more. But as you'll see, once you understand Barley's timing to be true. It will bring into question the Wheat's timing, as well as the Grapes/ New Wine timing??? It was a head scratcher until I dug deeper into history... and it hit me... the end:)

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June 06, 2023

HE IS THE... ALEPH! (and the Tav)...

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. My goodness is it ever exciting! The time and season is at hand. He Is The Aleph and we are in it NOW! I pray we're all watching and praying to be accounted worthy. Keep the watch my friends. This is the year. This we know. And the Father's True Feast of Weeks... we will be in His presence forever and ever. I love you all and look so forward to meeting you and your families face to face... in His presence. See you very soon!!!

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June 01, 2023

At The TRUE Feast of Weeks...

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. We're going out with a BANG! This is a big one designed to take us home... and for some... to PREPARE! Only For The Diligent!!! The exciting opening nuggets are just the beginning. It's packed with new insight from another angle that proves, yet again... IT'S ALL AMAZINGLY TRUE. And then if you can believe it, it gets even better:)You're going to witness... ALL CALENDARS ALINE... THIS YEAR ONLY!!! (Essenes, Hebrew, Fourteenthers) 🤯...

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May 22, 2023

The PREPARATION (Are You Ready)

Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters. I don't know what I can say about this one, except... you've got to watch it all to believe it for yourselves! It's all in His timing, timing, timing... and you're a part of it!!!🤯 ...

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May 17, 2023

Seeing In The... Is To Come!

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Welcome back to another deep dig into the revelation of the Is To Come. Seen through the Is of Hebrews and it's revealing Was. Deeper and deeper we go. Seeing and proving even more that the revelation of the Is To Come through the Was and Is and the chapters to years, and gospels... is all Absolutely True! This Is The Revelation!...

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May 12, 2023

The Bowl Judgements!

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Welcome back. Well here it is! Many have asked over the years about the Bowl judgements, and I have spoken on them a bit here and there over the years. But never as I have tonight. This is the full meal deal:) But I don't start there right away. I wanted to first encourage and strengthen everyone to remember the season and time We Are In! So I overview the coming three highest watch dates of all time only days/ weeks ahead...

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May 07, 2023

The Gospels Prophetic Mysteries Unlocked

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Here it is, finally! I've spoken about doing a full video about the differences in the gospels for a while now. And realized it has been years I think since I've done such a full one as this. And we've learnt vastly more since as well. So hold on tight, get you notebooks ready. Because this one is packed:) And just think... we could have gone into it all for hours and hours more. GOD is so good to us. I feel so blessed to, and to have been, able to share this with each of you over the years. The Spirit is truly at work in His Word...

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May 02, 2023


Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Welcome back:) Today we have two new connections that are brought into clarity. We've talked about them over the years. And now because of the clarity of the Feast of Weeks then 50 days and the clarity of the Sabbath year counts from Jesus's birth. We can now have the understanding of them as never before!!! We are truly in the most expectant high watch of all. 70 years of Israel end and the final 14 years of Jerusalem beginning! Truly a time like no other in human history... nor can it ever be again!!!...

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April 28, 2023

The Intro - The Gospels Prophetic Mysteries

Hello and Welcome to Ministry Revealed. If you have ever read the gospels and asked why are there these clear "differences" within so many of their same stories? Or have been trying to better under prophecy? Well, you've not only come to the right place, but The place to understand what's truly going on within the synoptic gospels and prophecy. There's a whole other level hidden within. We call this being able to see with "end time eyes". And once you see it, you will never read scripture the same again. Because your understanding will have opened, you will never be able to un see it. Nor will you want to...

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April 25, 2023

The Disciples First!

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Detail, detail, details! GOD is good. And the glass dimly lit and getting brighter and brighter. In one revelation tonight seals the deal on the birth and death and resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. And in it IS the proven revelation to the feast of weeks 2023 at the End of the true 70 Years for Israel. It's all in Order!...

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April 20, 2023

Years to Days... Days to Years!

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. We have an exciting one today. Not only filled with more clarity built on from the last video. But a WHOLE bunch of New, incredibly detailed revelation, of the worker remnant bride Luke group. Seen as never seen before. And so much more. My goodness the Spirit is leading in the Word! I know it's another longer one (I was considering stopping about 2:30 hours in but what I had left was directly tied into what I had already shared sooooo...

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April 15, 2023

It's All In Order... Nun, Aleph, Ayins

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. I pray this blesses you and hope it shed more light on the Revelation and season and time. From the Was, and Is, and Is To Come. The revelation is true. Taurus IS the Beginning. The seasons are in order. Watch and pray and you'll see and understand for yourselves. GOD bless, strengthen, and watch over you and yours always...

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April 10, 2023

The Feast of Weeks, of The Firstfruits of The Wheat Harvest!

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. HERE IT IS! Buckle up, pause, rewind, and watch again. This is the 70th and our LORD's time is IN:) This is incredibly exciting. I love you all and look forward to meeting you "pretty soon"...

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April 02, 2023

THE REVELATION (of His opened book)

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Wow! I thought today would be a great day to have a look through many of the absolute incredible revelations we've been revealed over the past 5.5 years. And my goodness does doing a video like this ever fire me up!!! To just ponder on some of them here today, I cannot help but say... who are we, that LORD has chosen us to reveal Himself in His "Is To Come"?...

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March 28, 2023

50 (Wedding, White Horse Rider, Holy Ghost, Attack)

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Here it is. The complete revelation of the 50 days and events that will take place. Understood and revealed all from scripture and start to finish... from the Beginning of the End to the End of the Beginning... Escape, wedding, stone's throw, 1st attack, Son of man, warning, Holy Ghost, 2nd attack and more!...

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March 23, 2023

The DAY of The Lord (incredible new revelations)

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Whaaaaatttt! Over the top revelations (and one in particular that had been on my mind for over 4 years).This one is packed with excitement and revelation. Mysteries so many of us thought we already knew, becoming more and more clear!...

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March 18, 2023

The Resurrections (of the dead)

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Alright here we go. A number of you have been asking recently about the Resurrection of the Dead! Well, here it is and then some:) Much we've seen and talked about over the years of revelation, but today goes even further and deeper then we have before...

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March 13, 2023

Daniel To Tribulation (absolutely incredible)

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Welcome back. Buckle up:) This is a big one! Take your time, follow it and understand it. This is a Complete End Time revelation of the book of Daniel to the complete days of tribulation. It still blows me away everyday and especially after videos like this one just how much the books have opened to us in understanding, to this point...

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March 08, 2023

Creations To Tribulations

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. This is it! From the Beginning to the Beginning of the End to the End. From creation to creation and tribulation to tribulation. All in one video:) But hold on tight because there are also some great new connecting nuggets in the first part too!!! One in particular we had been watching for a longtime that is now perfectly inline with the LORD's revelation of the 2 months off to the start of Tribulation in Taurus...

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March 03, 2023


Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Hold on tight. This is another Wild Ride of Revelation. I believe, yes I'm saying it, I believe we have been revealed the time of the Pre Trib Escape of the Bride of Christ! The literal beginning of the beginning (you should come to understand why that title once you here it:) The End Time Code; 50 - 14 - 50... Is The End Time answer... Now Revealed!!!...

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February 28, 2023

Before NOT After!

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. You're going to be happy to hear this one after what I had been recently speaking about:) In today's revelation Before Is the answer, and Not After! It's covered with significant detail by both Mike and myself. Take your time to follow it closely. What makes it even more exciting is that I believe this is the first time where revelation wasn't showing us we had to go a little further then where we looking... but actually Sooner! ...

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February 23, 2023

The Son of Man And His Remnant Bride

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sister. Time to get back to business... DILIGENT seeking Him in His Revelation for the "Is To Come"... as we seek His When!!! And today is an exciting video it which we do Both! Day closer to understanding His when AND diligent reveal new scripture about His "Is To Come" time with His disciples... His Remnant Bride! I pray it blesses, strengthens, and fills you with even greater understanding...

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February 17, 2023

It's The MOON!!!

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. What more can I say, but... It's THE MOON!!! See and understand for yourselves. I believe we have found it. Watch and Pray always. Don't let up now. I believe we had already figured out the meaning in Jubilees, and simply needed to apply it Here and Now! I pray it blesses you:) See you all very soon in His presence. I love you guys and look forward to meeting you face to face ohhhh so very soon!!!...

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February 12, 2023

OUR SIGN!!! (Right On Target)

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. What more can I say... except grab a seat, watch, and listen. And see for yourselves if it be true. We shall soon find out!!! And please do not let this mean easy street until go time. Share with others the truth of Jesus Christ and the Season and Time that WE ARE IN! So that whether they believe it now or not... they Will Absolutely remember that you told them before it happened, so that when it happens... they would BELIEVE🙏...

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February 07, 2023

The Forest For The Trees!...

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Keep watch always. Even though we "may" have a little longer than we expected. We must NOT stop watching, praying and diligently seeking Him. It hurts to put out an expected time so much further out. But, I will not lie or hide what I have understood, from you. And it is of course not a, thus says the LORD. Which is all the more reason to keep diligent in seek Him. As we will all pray that it will be sooner!!!...

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February 02, 2023

He That Hath Ears To Hear...

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Well, I hope and pray and believe... this is the one for the road:) And if this is the final teaching, I believe it's Very fitting. As you'll see and understand. It is for the preparation of His Seals workers, a Priestly line of Smyrna Disciples! For which I believe a good number of us here in this ministry have been prepared for!And after today's video, you will understand in greater detail the timing for them, the events they'll take part in, what He tells us the cost and duration will be, and their reward!...

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January 28, 2023

10, 9, 8... This Is It!

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. This is awesome! GOD is good and His Spirit is leading in the Word. A lot of today we've covered, but the understanding of it and seeing it laid out, building to the new revelation of the Luke group... is amazing!!! So buckle, because this is a ride of understanding in revelation. And the time of its Beginning...

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January 23, 2023

Which Is TAKEN UP... In Like Manner

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Today we're diving deep! So get those Berean hats on ready to take notes and seek these things out for yours. It's filled with more revelation and awesome nuggets of understanding. From Acts.1 to the end of seals. From Moses and the serpent on the cross to it's typology during seals and the co-heirs who will stand against it. Awesome and power packed...

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January 17, 2023

The LORD GOD'S 70th... Coming to an End!!!

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Tonight we're going to enjoy each others company. And realize that WE ARE IN the final weeks of the LORD GOD'S 70th Year. Not maybe, not kind of, not mostly... BUT 100% No Way Around It. This Will Be the 4 and 70th year of the LORD GOD'S New Year of Trees, while in The Final portion of Israel's 70th Year!!! We'll ponder these things, go through teachings, show updated chart and explain them briefly. And so much more...

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January 13, 2023

The Eye Of The Well

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. WOW! Wait until you See and understand how today's video ties into the last. And not only ties in but... I would say even Confirms it!!! What a truly incredible time we're living in. The Book is most certainly alive and being Opened to us more and more with every passing week. And after today's confirmation... I think we can... put a fork in it:) I believe it has been confirm. So watch and pray always. Be diligently seeking Him. Because... We Are Here. This IS The 74th Year without possibility of doubt. So lift up your heads for the Redemption is Nigh!!!...

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January 07, 2023

The REVELATION! The almond, The well, Taurus

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Here it is... THE ONE YOU'VE BEEN WAITING FOR:) Ohhh I know, I know it turned out to be quite long? But I promise you it's worth it! Take your time and watch it in parts over a couple of days if you need to. But don't miss it!!! I believe we have reached the end of all lines. The 70th year does have an end and you're about to witness it in all its forms. Along with the the 50 days, Taurus, Feast of Week observed, a year's end and so much more! I believe, it's the culmination of the fullness of the Revelation, of the beginning of the end, revealed through Ministry Revealed!...

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January 03, 2023

Are We Close:)

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Are We Close... Ohhhh Yes I believe WE ARE!!! Watch and understand for yourselves a connection I could not understand for years... come to light? It seemingly is a perfect fit. And once you understand the deeper digging into the word definitions and where their timing is better understood... I think you might also agree. Because we know we are close. We Are In "These 70 Years". And if so... there's only one option with the 50 days first, before the 14 years begin...

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December 29, 2022

14,000 ft, 14 Days, 14 Years

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Looks like the Word and history is confirming who the Fourteeners are! So regardless of when the time WILL begin... Be Ready, Watching, Praying, and Diligently seeking Him Always🙏 Until then, I'll continue with each of you, to diligent seek and search Him out. Preparing us always for that moment. I love you, appreciate you, and look forward to what's coming next with Him and in Him. GOD bless and watch over us All:)...

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December 24, 2022

A Remnant Bride Being Prepared

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Hold fast... We Are Here. But also be ready, as there IS a Remnant Bride Being Prepared for the "Is To Come"... for Him!In today's video more understanding will be made known, as many had not seen the last Live Show on Interrupts 165. In it came a great question about John the Baptist. And we started to get more understanding as to who the remnant bride is as a type?...

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December 17, 2022


Hello Beautiful Fourteeners! I hope you're ready for what you're about to witness!!! Because this Is The Confirmation... THIS IS IT!!! So please watch and pray always. The time is at hand. Seek the Lord with all your heart and pray about what you're about to understand...

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December 12, 2022

The Law of Moses, The Prophets, and The Psalms

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Welcome back. Well, as usual, today's video is another wild ride filled with confirming words and definitions, revelations and connections... To This Season And Time! We cover a lot today. And in the final part... it gets even more wild. And I personally believe its connection could very well be to this ministry and each of us!!! But I'll leave it at that and let you all pray on it for yourselves, as you follow along, seeking and searching. As you ready yourselves for this very moment that is upon us. As we watch, pray and diligently seek Him until!...

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December 06, 2022

A Gathering Of Revelation

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Welcome to today Live Show where we cover many topics from the Pre Trib, to Christmas, to the anti-christ, to the wars, workers and more! HELP Support the Ministry and our mission; Operation 14 Years. Please support us at: Or you can also Help Support the mission by going to our GoFundMe page at:

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December 02, 2022

The Battle And The Building

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Welcome back. I pray we're all ready, watching and praying! Because the time IS AT HAND. And today I'm going to start by reaffirming it to you all who haven't yet fully grasped it:) And from there we're going to delve deeper into the revelation of the Is To Come....

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Novembre 27, 2022

The Opened Books
(Prophecy on Another Level)

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Here it is. One that many of you have been waiting for. Not that we haven't made a video of this topic before. But with added revelation that we've learnt from then till now... make this one... the Supercharged Chapter To Years! It is a HUGE topic to cover and could easily go for 8 hours...

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Novembre 22, 2022

Are You An Enoch OR Noah?

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Welcome back! I hope you're ready? It's a big, deep, detailed, and exciting study today. You've all heard us talking about being an Enoch for a while now. BUT what about being a Noah? I had been so focused on being Enoch's... which is an awesome thing and truly is the Pre Trib Escape group. But because of that focus it never dawned on me to consider Noah, simply because Enoch IS understood as Pre Trib. But you're about to see what "the Noahs" parts are also going to be!...

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Novembre 16, 2022

The Time"s" And Season!

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. I believe today you're going to see and understand the Word confirming the revelation of the TIMING of the second attack on Jerusalem and Judah!!! Not only have we understood the "Year's End(s)". But I'll show WHEN they are, and how it's all, right in line this year to the true End of 70th in the LORD GOD's eyes! So get ready:) We cover a lot of ground....

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Novembre 10, 2022

The Honor Of Kings To Search...

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Welcome back to another exciting video. My goodness is it ever an honor to search out a matter! Today we go from the creations, to the gospels, to the season and time WE ARE IN! And what a joy it is to be In Christ, ready, watching, praying, and diligently seeking Him. To see and understand what's shared today, is most truly an honor for me to share, and I pray will be for each of you as well. To know the Holy Ghost has opened our ears, and eyes, and prepared our hearts for such a time as this... is hard to comprehend. But I would not change it for anything. GOD is so good and His Spirit is most certainly revealing the Word!...

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Novembre 06, 2022

The Years END"S" (Live Show)

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. For all of you you hadn't heard that we were Live last night on Interrupts165... here it is. And... HERE IT IS!!! If you catch my drift😁 We Know and Understand that it all comes to an end after 70 years. We've proven it out scripturally over and over again. As well as shown it historically when they came into the land and how it scripturally is in this present time we're in. And with that being the case and fact... it MUST come to an END... and truly soon. And when it does you see that it will cover TWO... ENDS! Just as the word described it to us....

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Novembre 01, 2022

Third Heaven, Paradise, City!

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. All I can say at this point is... See You Very, Very Soon🙏😁🎉 Our Lord and Savior is coming for His Bride. Be sure you're ready and watching for Him. I love you and I'm so grateful to have played a part in your walk with the Lord to help draw you closer and closer to Him over these past 5 years. Thank you for allowing me into your hearts and homes. GOD bless and watch over you all and I'll see you very soon, prayerfully face to face standing before Him, in the Third Heaven🙏...

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October 26, 2022

A Live Gathering!
Revealing The Understanding Of The Moon

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. The final revelation understood! The Moon NOW Revealed in its cycle, in tonight's Live Show Gathering! 🤯 ...

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October 22, 2022


Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. The Final Piece is here... and it hit me like a ton of bricks! And once you see it? You'll be hit by it too:) Because any of you, who have been watching at least for a little while now, will know we knew it? You will all say... Of Course! There was more than one that fell from the Firmament?...

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October 17, 2022


Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Welcome back to what I hope and pray will be the final video... of course because of the season and time at hand! I have said it before and I will say it again for new people. I have never received or have I ever said I've received a "thus saith the LORD" or "the LORD told me" this or that?...

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October 12, 2022

Who Are Kept... Ready To Be Revealed!

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Buckle up and listen carefully as we go deeper into the revelation of the CURRANT Church of Laodicea. BEFORE the 7 Churches cycle begins Again... meaning this time we Are In right now! It's an incredible journey of revelation for the ready, watching, sober and diligently seeking the Lord...

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October 07, 2022


Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Welcome back, but this time... to THE END! Today you will understand where we ARE at and exactly how much time we have left! Remember; We Know the 70th year is coming to an end, the 50 days that come first, then the 14 years and the final 50th Jubilee. And we know this by the Holy Spirit. We know there's a first attack in the North and second attack in Jerusalem and Judah at the "year's end"....

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October 02, 2022

The Doors Shut... The Wedding Begins!

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Oh man today's video is Packed with more never before understood revelation! And how it came to be was pretty strange too:) It started by looking up a completely different topic? Amazing to see how the Holy Spirit leads. How many times have we been able to show Over and Over again that all of these revelations revealed in the opened books ARE TRUE! It has happened with Every revelation we've shown from Genesis to Revelation...

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September 28, 2022

Theirs Is The Kingdom! (workers)

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. I believe I have found the understanding of the difference between those of Day 1 of the 50 days, and those After 7 Days on the 8th Day! So get ready for a trip through the depths of the End Time revelation. Through eyes that see in the "Is To Come"....

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September 23, 2022


Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Today we join in the buzz about the conversation of the coming Third Temple! BUT we'll set the record straight in the understanding of it. There's been a lot of talk again recently about the temple being rebuilt. And I know we have many who are new or newer who haven't fully understood the revelation of the coming third temple. So I felt it was a good to time to stop the confusion about it's coming building, and give understanding to the timeframe revealed to us from scripture for it!...

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September 18, 2022

Season And Time...
and so much more (Live Show)

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. This was a great open live show discussion and share we had last night, over on Interrupts 165. There were some great topics, more clarity, and even more connections shared to the time and season we now find ourselves in. And there were some excellent questions as well which are always fun to share and help bring clarity too...

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September 14, 2022

End Of The Road!

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Watch it ALL... You will be blessed! Hold on tight! This is a trip:) A trip to The End Of The Road! Pray on it, Seek the LORD and give thanks. This Is It! I believe all the pieces are in place and the understanding, REVEALED. So get ready. Pause as needed, rewind and be sure to take in and understand everything you'll hear in today's teaching. From the 70th year to the two months off to the 5th and 7th months...

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September 09, 2022

Israel AND Jerusalem! The End! Perfect!

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sister. Get excited. But if you have to sleep, you might not want to watch this first:) Because you won't be able to after this one! This WILL prove and confirm that we have indeed understood the Years and the Season and Times. It's not only about the land of Israel, but also of course about the land of Jerusalem itself. You may say of course, we know that? But have we ever seen it separated in its own portions... and yet still equal The Exact Same Years?...

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September 03, 2022

The Beginning REVEALED! (must watch)

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Welcomeeeee Back:) This is a special one today! So please prepare your hearts and minds. Follow and pause and rewind to be sure you don't miss a thing. Absorb it and understand it! Because what I believe you're about to see and understand... IS IT! I believe the revelation of it all beginning has truly been understood. And I believe it to be, more so, than at any other point ever before in this ministry...

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August 30, 2022

Let's Continue From TAURUS (awesome!)

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. This is very exciting... we most certainly are still in it!!! I had an AH-HA moment that I could not believe I hadn't noticed until making the video. I still can't believe it hadn't dawned on me until now during the video? I mean seriously, it has me scratching my head as to why I hadn't seen it. It was right in front of us the whole time. I'm not saying it was the answer, but it most certainly had to be in the mix according to the beginning of the 50 day count!...

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August 25, 2022

The Days Of Noah (Beginning and End)

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Get ready for the revelation of the Days of Noah... as you have Never Seen Before? I mentioned several videos back that I had wanted to make a Days of Noah video, that covered from the beginning to the end of tribulation. Meaning to lay out the understanding of the two places it's referenced in the New Testament. And that's what I do in today's video!...

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August 21, 2022

Revelation 12... The WHOLE Story!

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Welcome back to another Exciting teaching! Mannn do I ever love doing videos like this one. As the title says, we cover the complete story of the tribulation in the entire chapter of Revelation 12. But this time we do it in more completeness than we had ever done before. Today's video IS the Complete revelation of the end of days, beginning from VERSE 1! ...

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August 16, 2022

It's Around Here Somewhere...

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Yes, we're still in it, but hold on tight. Today's video is not only packed with more revelation for us to add to the whole picture, especially the beginning. But I believe and will show why we still have great hope remaining in this 70th year for the pre trib escape as we have known and understood...

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August 09, 2022

It Is Finished!

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. You don't want to miss a moment of this one! From start to finish it reveals time immediate time we are Right Now In! And I fully believe with every part of me in all the revelation given and revealed, that... IT IS FINISHED!...

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August 01, 2022

The End Times Wars, Battles, And Swords!

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Well... for anyone who really wanted to understand and truly sink their teeth into the study of end times wars and battles? This IS the video you'll want to watch to understand it all. It is really quite incredible to see it all get laid out in one complete video. We've understood each of these parts on their own and sometimes in combination over the years. But never all of them like this in one teaching!...

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July 27, 2022

The Wedding Revelations

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Welcome back. Today we have some exciting In Depth digging into the books to help us better understand this Beginning timing of the Bride of Christ! Will it be at the beginning of the 50 days or after 7 days about an 8th day? But that's not the only portion we'll dig into. It will also take us to the end of tribulation!...

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July 22, 2022

The Comings Of The Lord

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Welcome back:) Today's focus is on the times the Lord will be coming during the tribulation. I can already hear so many people saying whatttt, you're crazy, He's not coming till feet down on the Mount of Olives? To those people I say, hold on to your hats. Because this is going to be a wild ride for you!...

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July 17, 2022

How It ALL Begins!

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. I know some of you are going to say this is just too long? But I'll say unto you, It's set up so you can choose to watch it in two parts. The first a little over 2 hours, and the second, if you want to split it up, is a little under an hour. They follow together perfectly, but you'll hear me mention you can choose to stop there if you want. ...

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July 12, 2022

They're Not The Same

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Welcome back. Today's topic is focused on the complete understanding of the difference between Lucifer/ Anti-Christ/ Beast, and Satan/ Devil/ Serpent, portions of time from the history of "was" to the near future of the "is to come"! But don't worry, it's not heavy the whole way through:)...

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July 07, 2022

Are You A Ready LOAF!

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Get ready... this is another incredible video that builds in greater detail the revelation of the previous one, about the confirmed time of The Mistakes Are Over... Right On Target! You're going to now see Everything is in Order and in its place... except the "sun" of course? ...

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July 02, 2022

The Mistakes Are Over... Right On Target!

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. It has been CONFIRMED! We have understood, and the truth is 50 days - 14 years - 50th jubilee... Beginning This Year! I found the Beginning of the True Bright and Morning Star, and the LORD has Confirmed it! Prepare your hearts my friends, be ready and watching always... THIS IS IT... We Are Going Home!...

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June 27, 2022

The Bright And Morning Star (Incredible!)

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Welcome back and just in time. This is a big one!🤯 It's not for the faint of heart, but for those Bereans out there who love to DIG DEEP into His word. It's so incredible. Not only do we dig deep to help to hopefully give greater understanding to this "season; time". But just how beautifully everything is connected to it and how. Today is all about the connection in scripture to the Bright and Morning Star...

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June 23, 2022

We... Are... Here! It's All Lining Up!

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. We are back for what prayerfully will be the final Hurrah. We had discussed in the recent past how the 50 day count could be one of two options? I had personally believed as you all know that it was 7 days then on the 8th day the Escape would happen and the 40 days would begin of the Son of man. Leaving 3 to the Holy Ghost for a total of 50 day to true Pentecost. Well, that day has come and gone? However, we did know there was another...

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June 16, 2022

We're In It Now! After 7 on the 8th

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters... Today's Live Show, BEGINS at about the 14 minute 50 sec mark! We are in it! The 50 day count to the Holy Ghost 2.0 anointing has begun. And as we've shared before and are going to remind, and encourage again tonight... We Are Looking to after the 7th on the 8th day!...

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June 13, 2022

Tribulation Timeline Overview

Hello Brothers and Sisters. Here's the brief end time overview video many have asked for in this late hour. I had planned on making this short overview in it's own video. However, yesterday during the Live Show on Interrupts 165, I was asked if I could do it now. And I thought, sure why not, because I could simply edit that portion to post here at Ministry Revealed as well. So that all who had asked for it could copy and download it from here for their left behind packages and to send to family and friends. So here it is:)...

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June 11, 2022

A People For HIS Name

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Welcome back. I pray this video blesses and strengthens you as it did me. The details are getting more and more clear with every teaching! And I must say how awesome you all are. I KNOW that KNOW you guys are seeing and understanding what all has been getting revealed here. The evidence is found in how many pieces you guys have found over the years, but even more so lately than at any other time. And I LOVE IT! GOD is so good...

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June 06, 2022

The Stone,
The Bride, The White Horse,
The Fourteeners

Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters. You might want to have a seat for this one! Because if you're a Fourteener, you're about to hear some information that could shock you. Or if you're already preparing, it will at the very least help strengthen your resolve for what's to come and give you more preparation and understanding of it...

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May 31, 2022

From Eagles To Phoenixes! (will blow your mind)

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Ohh my, ohh my... prepare to be blown away! Don't miss a word, this one is going to make things so clear in so many ways I just don't know what more to say? It's deep and it's revealing for those who have been following at least for a little while. We get into the differences of the groups, from workers, to enemies, and their symbols representing them in the end times. But it goes so far beyond that in the Fractal of the revelation....

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May 26, 2022

It WAS Passover!!

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Welcome back! Today's video is a big one and a very deep one. If you're new to this ministry and haven't yet watched the recommended intro videos, I highly, highly recommend doing so first. Without them very little of this teaching will make any sense. But for those who have and have been around for at least a little while. Hold on tight, because this is going to be a wild ride!...

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May 21, 2022

In The End Of The World... Again!

Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters. Welcome back! This builds to be another one of those teachings, not for the faint of heart. For all those new to the ministry it is highly recommended to first understand some of the Intro Series teachings. Like Who the Gospels Are Speaking to and the 14 years. Because the entire leading of this video is to show even more evidence to something we've already revealed in the recent past...

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May 16, 2022

I Stand At The Door...

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Even though we did a Live Show over on Interrupts 165 earlier today. I still had to get this one done today too:) It was one of those I just could not wait any longer to get done. It's packed with more exciting and new revelations never covered before! Of course as we know... it ALWAYS falls Right In Order...

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May 11, 2022

And Will NOT Experience Death!

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Welcome back. Wow, does the level of depth just keep going deeper and deeper in His revelation of the Is To Come. So hold on tight! We cover a few topics today, and they're exciting. Especially right out of the gate as we get going. It should have everyone here so excited about what's to come when reading for yourselves, a verse from Thomas, about what Jesus said!...

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May 06, 2022

Destructions At The Doorstep

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Welcome back! Today we're going to get into a very heavy period of time in scripture that will help us to understand how it will all begin after the bride has been removed. I'm not talking about years into the tribulation? I mean what's expected to happen based on the revelation of the end time understanding, from this Summer into Fall of 2022!...

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May 04, 2022

Pre Trib Why This Is The Year!

Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters! Ohhhh I think you're going to love today's teaching! We KNOW we have an expiry date and we KNOW the year and time we're in Right Now!!! We KNOW from proven scripture, there's no other option then this year...not only is there no other option. There's also no option left after today's revealed understanding of the true season!!!..

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April 19, 2022

Will There Really Be Three Raptures?

Are you tired of Christians fighting over the Rapture? Alain Dubreuil says we're all right (so stop the fuss) and he backs up his findings with scripture. Will there be three raptures? Three raptures? Is it possible? Will there be two, one or none? Dubreuil also touches on the Mark of the Beast and the location of the next temple!...

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April 30, 2022

We Are Witnesses To The Light

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Welcome back. Today's teaching is jam packed again with incredible revelation. So hold on tight and be prepared to pause and rewind and even watch again to take it all in. We'll start by adding a little more info from the last video about the Passover timing to Mark's group at the great multitude rapture during the 7th year of seals...

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April 25, 2022

Division and The Two Swords!

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Welcome back:) Once again... we're going deep! I had three other names for what I thought I'd name this video. But by the end this was the one I went with, because their times were the most touched on. I say this because that's the level of depth we go into today. And it ended up being even more exciting and connected than I had expected today's video was going to be. I love it when that happens....

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April 20, 2022

Building on Revelation in Conversation

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sister. Welcome back. Today's video is from last night's Live Show where I was on with Interrupts 165. Mike did some teaching which led us to more pieces of understanding concerning a mystery about Ephraim in the old testament? That question was; Which war did Ephraim turn from and not fight in?...

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April 16, 2022

PassoverS In The "Is To Come

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. (I said March 16, 2022, should have said April 16, 2022) Welcome Back! Wow, today is yet another Spirit filled revelation of end time understanding, that we'll discover is built into the Passover stories of each gospel. But with a focus in particular of Mark and Matthew's Passovers...

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April 12, 2022

Revealed! Genesis to Revelation (part 1)

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Welcome back. This is one I've been wanting to do for quite a while, but just couldn't wrap my mind around how I could ever get it done. Turns out the answer was... start from the beginning! But not my beginning, as I had been thinking, in the revelation of the gospels that came first. But from the beginning of His Book!...

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April 07, 2022

Awesome! End Time Elijah to Elisha

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Welcome back. You'll be happy you returned:) Today's video is filled with more incredible understanding of His "Is To Come", revealed to us in His "Was" and "Is". I had mentioned I would begin to dig into the stories of Elijah and Elisha and that I had my suspicions of exactly how, when and to who, they would be a type and shadow of. And it does not disappoint!....

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April 02, 2022

The Two Witnesses Portions!

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Welcome back! Today we'll go from the Declaration of the modern day Cyrus, to beginning the rebuilding of the 3rd temple, right to its completion at the cutting off of the two witnesses, and finally their death at the end of the 6th trumpet! We'll cover it all from the understanding revealed to us from Ezra to John, as I was hoping to do....

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March 28, 2022

This IS The Year!

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Welcome back. Well I had intended to get into a whole lot more, but time just got the better of me:) As much as we do touch, a little more, on two witnesses info at the end. Mostly the one who will be with the 144,000 typology from John. We really do not spend too much time in it yet, at all. But in the next one, GOD willing, I'll cover John's portion concerning the one of the branch portions and Ezra's for the other!...

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March 23, 2022

The TWO Witnesses Revealed!

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Can you believe it... we have finally received the revelation of the Two Witnesses. Mind Blowing and certainly not what people had ever been considering for who they had thought they might be:) We truly revealed it for the first time in the last video, but this one solidified it by bringing even more scripture to the table to prove it. And of course...

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March 18, 2022

Seals Into Trumpets...
As You Have Never Understood Before!

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Ohhh myyyy! If you thought the last teaching was deep diving, as I did... this one is going to BLOW YOUR MIND, as it did mine! This one was a tough one for me to put together and that doesn't happen to me very often. That's how deep this one is. My thoughts are still reeling after it. And I even forgot to end it the way I wanted, even though it was the one part I had written down so I wouldn't forget?...

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March 12, 2022

Going Deep... To Blow Your Mind!

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. This was one of those teachings filled with new, exciting and incredible revelations of understanding... that I could have kept on going with for hours more! But I couldn't do that to you (nor do I believe my voice could have gone much longer:). Having said that, hold on tight. This one is not for the faint of heart or for those new to the ministry. Unless they've already begun to understand the revelation of the Gospels and Years?...

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March 06, 2022

Moses In The End Times

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Welcome back! Today is essentially a part one. This video from the second half will be continued into the next from the book of Joshua. Today's helps answer questions about the two Judas accounts in great detail, which then leads us into the revelation of Moses' life in relation to the End! You'll see how Moses is clearly to the church during seals, Mark's group, the House of Israel, who Jesus said He came for...

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March 01, 2022

717 Starts It And Ends It

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters! I hope you're ready for this one? You'll want to be sitting down and paying close attention. This Is It! This one teaching/ video today... seals the deal on the entirety of the revelation of the End Times revealed here! Confirming EVERYTHING from 717 to Luke in order to the comings of the Son of man to the resurrection type and shadows revealed to the 40 days of the Son of man beginning it to the Final Year as the Days of Noah and sooo much more!!!...

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February 25, 2022

Never Before Seen Detail of... The Beginning!

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. WOW! Hold on tight and get your papers and pens ready. This one became more detailed then I had even expected before starting. I was close to ending it at about the 2 hour mark. A lot of great info, connections and understanding had been shared. But since I had already mentioned another piece I would share...

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February 23, 2022

The Three Wise Men...End Time Revelation

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. The Lord was clearly putting this one on my heart to dig into. So of course I listened... and Wow! And wouldn't you know it, surprise, surprise, the wise men and their stories are a perfect match to the end time revelation of the three gospels with Who They're Speaking To and the End Time Years! I can't help but be excited when understanding like this continues to prove itself out over and over again...

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February 19, 2022

It's ALL Because Of Matthew!

Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters. This one is not only an update to The Differences and The Truth, but also a rewrite of almost all the books ever written on the "is to come", in the understanding of the End Time Revelation. This will bring complete truth, and the beginning of clarity and revelatory understanding that has been, unknowingly to the world, obscured by the Gospel of Matthew...

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February 12, 2022

It Will Be In Order

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Welcome back:) I had expected to put out the big video on; It's All Because of Matthew. But more detail came from our past revelations of scripture. Showing that indeed the revelation of the Pre at Feast of Weeks, the Mid at Passover/ Unleavened Bread, and the Post at Feast of Tabernacles has been understood. In particular that of the Mid Trib great multitude rapture at Passover time! It was a great catch by our Brother Jarred...

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February 08, 2022

Old Before New... Mind-Blowing Revelation!

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Hold on tight and I hope you'll be sitting down for this one! Because this video's focus is about the revelation of the last video being completely confirmed... as always here... directly from scripture. Remember the expression "Age Before Beauty"? It is sooo exciting and so completely perfect. That if Anyone tries to deny it after this...

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February 04, 2022

Three Times Unto The LORD

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Welcome back:) Wow, I say it almost ever teaching, but mannnnn is this ever exciting to be continuously growing in understanding of Him in His "is to come". And today's video is no exception. I begin with sharing work for the Lord being done be a few others here in the ministry. They're powerful and a great blessing to all that are in need of what they offer for the Lord...

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January 31, 2022

The Beginning of it ALL!

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. WOW! This is a big one and it's jam packed. The time got a little away from me on this one:):) I hadn't realized till the end how long it was. Looking at it, I could have certainly made it a couple of videos. So feel free to watch it as a couple videos if you need to, but don't miss any of it...

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January 26, 2022

When HE Makes Peace!

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Welcome back for even more exciting scripture revelation and understanding! I am so grateful that the Spirit continues to lead. It's so tremendously exciting to be able to draw so close to our Lord and Savior in His Word, in this way, at this time, in His revelation, of His "is to come"! I pray that all these teachings have continued to bless you as they do me, every time:)...

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January 21, 2022

Three, Third, Thrice

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Welcome back for more exciting revelation of end time scriptures! We're going to have some fun today bringing together a number of new pieces of scripture, into the end time understanding. You're going to understand that GOD works EVERYTHING, THREE TIMES for man!!!...

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January 16, 2022

The Workers

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Well it's finally here! The Workers video I had promised I'd get to. It's a big one, as I knew it would be. But it could have been even longer, like 5 hours+ long, due to all the details about these groups of seals, trumpets, and millennial reign workers. It's a long teaching. But for anyone who's ever wanted to go to one place for all the incredible details about all the workers, and their portions of time, during the tribulation and even the 1000 years... this is the video!!!

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January 11, 2022


Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Here it is... the revelation of the beginning of the end! I really don't know what to say about everything in today's video, except, it's impossible... if it wasn't for the last 4 years of revelation through the leading of the Spirit of the Lord.You're going to witness for yourselves, that everything equals this time. Not in part, nor kind of, or mostly. But All we have understood to this time for this time...

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January 07, 2022

The Counts

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. If you enjoy digging into the Word with understanding and have your eyes opened and watching for the coming of His Bride... then you're going to love today's video. I say this often, but it's another exciting one! Now that we have understood the 50 day count, and even more clearly as you'll see today, and its relation to each gospel and how it's laid out...

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January 03, 2022

It's JOHN!

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. I'm sorry for the length of this one... it just got away from me:) But I promise you it's FULL of info! And it will more than likely take more then one watch to catch all of it.The reason for the length is in part due to the concern of what I'm leading to for the bulk of today's video. I understand it won't be easy, but see the understanding, so that it may give you strength in Him/ His Word until...

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December 30, 2021

The Son of Perdition

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Welcome back! I said this was coming next, and here it is:) A number of Brothers and Sisters have asked about the understanding of this over the past few months. And I can tell you this... if you have Ever Truly wanted to understand the end time timing in relation to the Son of Perdition, I promise you this Is the video you want to watch...

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December 27, 2021

The Stone's Throw

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Watching and praying, watching and prayers! Today if you can believe it:) we have another very exciting video. I saw a post in the Ministry Revealed forum about the 12 days of Christmas and I instantly and I mean instantly recalled a teaching I had done on Numbers 7. And for the longest time I couldn't reconcile the alignment of the meaning of those days in that chapter, which are...

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December 21, 2021

Shepherds Timing!

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. We have an exciting one for you all again today! There's been so much talk lately about this season and time that is now upon us, being The Time! The time of the Escape of the Bride of Christ. So I thought I would put together a video with all it's connections and bring even greater clarity to the best of my ability... to the timeframe of the birth of Christ! And why it matters so much to this ministry?...

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December 17, 2021

Predestinated, Workers, The Last Adam

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Welcome back as we settle in to continue our watch, until that soon approaching day is revealed:) Today we're going to start with a little tie into the last video, with some First Adam info, to help better understand the relation to the Last Adam? From there I'll share a little hope in a revelation of the "Sun/ Son". That will keep us on watch:) And I'll end with where a search for the Greek word "Predestinated" led me. We say it all the time, but what a blessing it is to understand the revelations that have gotten us this far...

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December 12, 2021

The Beginning, The Light, The Flesh

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Welcome back for more:) Yes, we're still here, but the time is truly at hand! So while we keep watch, let's take this time to diligently draw closer in understanding our Lord and Savior, in His Word... The WORD... like never before!...

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December 07, 2021

It's Time To GO!

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Welcome to the finale (I pray)! You're going to witness crystal clear scriptural proof that we have indeed understood; The 8th day is the Escape, and starts the 40 days of the Son of man, and leaves 3 days to the Holy Ghost.. or what we call, the Acts 2.0 Holy Ghost anointing on the 50th day! And that at that 50th day will be the beginning of a New Year!...

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November 30, 2021

The Final Countdown... Revealed!

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. We Got It! You're going to see and understand today the completed count of the 50 days as we've never fully understood before. You're going to understand how it's laid out for us in the Gospels and how it was, I had missed the understanding of it, by not looking more closely at John's gospel first, in the resurrection stories! In the reverse order of the revelation of looking at the gospels...

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November 25, 2021

Prayerfully The Finally with One Last Gathering:)

Hello Brothers and Sisters. Prayerfully our final teaching and one last gathering for the road:) I'm so looking forward to meeting you and your families very, very soon. GOD bless, watch over, protect and comfort each of you and yours... until...

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November 21, 2021

The Creation(s) Live Show Gathering

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Welcome to last night's the Live Show Gathering. Where we had Brothers and Sisters from around the world. And covered a number of topics, from the 50 days, to the recent revelations of the Beginning of Creation(s). Including a new chart to help better visualize it all and understand that it is all indeed a fractal of Luke, Mark and Matthew's End Time revelation...

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November 19, 2021

It's All A Fractal!

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. This IS the Video of ALL Videos. This is THE CONFIRMING REVELATION of the entire END TIME revelation revealed to and through this ministry! The entire revelation revealed from, Who the Gospels Are Speaking To, to The 14 years and Big Pictures. ARE Now FULLY Proven out here today by the revelation of The Beginning of All Creations!...

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November 15, 2021

The Darkness About To Become LIGHT!
(The Beginning WAS The End)

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Welcome back. Today we go deeper! But first we'll begin with a requested little recap of what the key revelations of understanding were in the heavy and very deep revelation of the last teaching, that brought greater light to the Bride's becoming light. And how it all, In The Beginning, was proving out the Revelation of The End!...

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November 11, 2021

It's ALL TRUE... From The Beginning!

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Today's video is one of the most revealing and powerful teachings I have Ever Done! By the end of it, I couldn't even believe how perfectly aligned and how... I don't even have words to express how awesome it was, I just keep thinking Mind Blowing. You want to talk about a Holy Spirit leading, this was it. There's no other way to express it...

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November 07, 2021

Kept Secret... Since The World Began!

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Wow it just keeps coming. I have even more to add about the timing of Hanukkah and the month of Kislev. I wasn't so sure there could be more, but I promise there is and it's good:) From there I had planned on covering two more topics. But after the first of the two came to an end. I realized that due to the time, and joy at the excitement of what was shared, I'd end it on that exciting note. And keep the last topic for the next video...

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November 03, 2021

Illumination Of The HOUSE Without

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Welcome back. Today's another very exciting video. Just when I think how much more can the Lord reveal to us about the Revelation of the timing of Hanukkah... Bammmm! More awesomeness is given. Places we've been teaching as pre-trib escape, for the past couple years, are revealed as being directly connected to Hanukkah... by a key event that happens to their "house without"! Just awesome...

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October 28, 2021

3rd Temple Timing!

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Welcome back. Today we have some great little tidbits to add into our understanding of the 50 day count from Hanukkah to the New Year of Trees, TuBishvat on the "15th" day. Then from there we get into the clarity of the timing and building of the Third Temple everyone seems to be waiting for now!...

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October 24, 2021

Simply... Amazing! (the joy of understanding)

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Welcome back. Today we go down a few paths, but in the end, as usual, you'll see how they all tie in together; Simply... Amazing:) I'll show you where the word "tribulation" is found and "not" found in the synoptic gospels and how that led to even more nuggets. We'll find new evidence, that again, in the understanding of the opened books. Will show us that indeed the "lighting" of the "candles" to give "light" IS directly connected to the Son of man's coming for 40 days at the time we've been showing! ...

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October 18, 2021

Joel In The... Is To Come!

Today's video begins with shedding more light on the understanding of the timing of the Festival of Lights and to shed more confirming understanding on The New Year of Trees. As much as I'm very hopeful for this coming week and the calendars being a month off. You guys know where I stand in believing the Hebrew calendar is correct. And that our true escape time will be at second tabernacles... Hanukkah. And that The New Year of Trees will be the 50th day and start of the 14 years of tribulation...

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October 04, 2021

The BEGINNING of The END... The 50 Days!

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sister. Welcome back for, The Revelation of THE BEGINNING of The End:) You'll be in absolute joy picking your jaw up from the floor numerous times, with what you're about to see, and finally properly understand for the first time Ever. IT IS FINISHED! THIS IS IT!...

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October 01, 2021

And Then There Was ONE!

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. I know, I know... we're still here and it sucks when we see everything going on around us in the world and all we want is to be with our Lord and Savior. Well hold on, because today's teaching is going to be an awesome one, about the revelation of His timing, and the FACT that it is the Final Option...

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September 26, 2021


Hello FOURTEENERS, Brothers and Sisters. Welcome back and HOLD ON TIGHT. This is going to be a trip of revelation and understanding, the likes to which many have not yet seen! Some may freak out a little, while others may rejoice. But for all those who weren't sure about what they were understanding here... You're About To! Fear not for He has not given us a Spirit of fear!...

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September 22, 2021

The La Palma Connection
(with Interrupts 165)

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Last night we went Live with Mike over on Interrupts 165 and share on a few sections of end time understanding. From the first 7 years the church misses and why, to Luke 9 and what looks like the direct connection this year's Escape and 8th day of the Lord's 40 days beginning...

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September 16, 2021


Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters. Welcome back "AGAIN". I don't believe the world is ready for this one, and I don't know it ever will be. But hopefully you all are and have been growing in the understanding of today's teaching, over the past several months and even two to three years. I've contemplated making this video for a longtime as so many of you know. But I'm happy I hadn't yet, as so much more has been revealed in the past few months. And the last thing I want to do, is keep making videos about this...

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September 14, 2021

Dear John... It's All Connected!

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. It's ALL connected to Tabernacles! So many more connections from our Dear Brother John, in particular chapter 7:) You want to talk about adding to the detail... my goodness, GOD is good, and He's laying it on thick. I was so excited when we recently came to understand that the Triumphal Entry was at Tabernacles with the branches and Hosanna...

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September 11, 2021

Fear The LORD! Babylon's Time Is At Hand

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Welcome back. Get ready, we're about to put the pedal to the metal on this one. More detailed revelation of understanding continues to build. Today we'll be starting from the, about 2.5 year mark of seals, when the antichrist gets his power to continue. And bring it back to the beginning where we are right now, with what's happening, and what is moments away from beginning...

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September 07, 2021

Show Me!

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Welcome back. Today we continue the dig! In the last video we covered a few questions but I had mentioned I had more that others had asked. I really wanted to get to them, because not only do they help clarify understanding for so many who may have also asked or thought on them. It continues to draws us closer and closer, deeper and deeper in Him. And the revelation found within the connections are simply incredible to see and understand as they're being unfolded before our eyes...

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September 03, 2021

Understanding And Timing!
(with a Tabernacle Revelation)

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Welcome back. Man oh man we cover a lot of ground today. Buckle up and get ready, because today we help answer many questions you have asked in regards to the End Times Timing and Understanding of many pieces of Scripture. For those of who say, ohhh I've understood so much of that here already....

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August 30, 2021

The Discourse"s" REVEALED!
(Luke, Mark, AND Matthew)

Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters. It's a long one today:) There's been a lot more revelation that has come about since the last time we dove into the Discourses. So I was looking forward to breaking them down again. Many finer points of detail have been added. And as has been the case of late. There's still a greater focus on the beginning of it all. Meaning, revealing greater detail about how it all begins in Luke's Discourse from the Escape, followed by the 40 days, and going into the beginning of the tribulation...

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August 26, 2021

A Crown Was GIVEN To HIM!

Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters. Welcome back as we dig deeper and deeper into HIS Revelation, in the Is To Come! Today we begin by tying a tighter "bow" (you'll get it in the video:) around the revelation of the coming of the Son of man's 40 days, beginning at His BIRTHDAY... and the White Horse Rider connections, proving once and for all Who it Is!...

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August 23, 2021


Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters. You're in for another Exciting teaching today. As the small incredible details of scripture continue to reveal themselves as the Great Day of Escape approaches us! Today's video builds on the live show Mike and I did yesterday over on his Interrupts 165 channel. And I can tell you, it's Exciting. The revelation of the finer details of scripture are truly incredible to witness. As the Holy Spirit brings us closer and closer in those details by the day... in The Revelation of our Lord and Savior...

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August 14, 2021

The Last Day of... The Son of man!

Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters. Welcome back. Today is about the importance of the revelation of The Opened Books in the Chapters to Years. You're about to see and understand WHEN the Last Day of the Son of man will be, written to us in scripture. And thus what I believe is the Final option for the 40 days of the Son of man to begin!...

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August 11, 2021

What Was and Is... SHALL BE!

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Welcome back as we tarry for that Moment:) Today's video is filled with the excitement of understanding and revelation, of the "Is To Come". And I'll share new revelation about what "Was", in Old Testament history. Proving yet again the truth in the "Is To Come" has been and "Is" understood. The evidence is so overwhelming now, that if this was a court of law, they'd say tell us... ok enough already, we get it!...

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August 06, 2021

SEE You There :)

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sister. What more can I say? We Are Here... I Love You... and SEE You There, in Jesus Name, Amen! I'm so looking forward to meeting you and your families very, very soon. GOD bless, watch over, protect and comfort each of you and yours... until...

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August 03, 2021

Revealed! (The Beginning of it All)

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. This Is It! The Beginning of the Revelation Revealed! I'm so excited to share with you all today what I Believe IS... The Beginning of the End. You're about to see the "Nitty Gritty" details we've been looking for, and began to realize towards the end of the last video when the Holy Spirit moved...

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July 31, 2021

To The Nitty Gritty!

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Welcome back as we get down to the nitty gritty:) I hope your excited. But if not, have no fear! Today's teaching we reignite you with understanding, so that you will remember, that You Know That You Know... This IS the Season and Time. Without doubt. And then we'll go into even greater detail, of a little (yet Major) Celebration that has been hidden from us... until now....

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July 27, 2021

By Faith In His Word... We Understand!

Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters. Welcome back. Today is about our faith In His Word! In His Promise for us! His Word HAS proven our understanding is true. And today I'll tighten up those revelations of understanding and tie even more into them. From the 70th year to the 50th year and from the 50th day to the beginning of the 14 years. We have understood what the scriptures have revealed. We're now watching and praying moment by moment... until. As the world around us continues to confirm and strengthen it for us as well...

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July 22, 2021

This Is It

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. I hope you're sitting down for this one😁 I said in the last video how I thought by this time, I believed everything will have past? I was WRONG! That same night after the video, as is usual for me, it hit me while in the shower having my talk with the Lord. There's only piece of scripture that Breaks Down the 50 days that we know begins it all. And it was the Lord Himself in Luke 17 who told us about it and the timing, clearly. He referred us to the story of Noah and the ark... where we find this PRECISE Timing!...

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July 20, 2021

(it's in the Word)

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Welcome back. I know we'd all prefer not to have been welcomed back, but for now... welcome back anyways:) Today's video is about the Reassurance we have in the Word that it is all true. And that just because a day has been missed, it does not mean you throw out the baby with the bath water? It does not change the fact that we Have Understood the revelations, the Gospels, the 14 years, the Opened books, etc...

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July 14, 2021

The COIN Confirms It ALL! (His visitation IS at hand)

Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters. Welcome back for what I/ We pray, will be the final video. As we watch, pray and hope to be standing before the Son of man by this weekend:) In today's video you will understand that we have understood when Christ was born, when He began His ministry, when John was killed, and when Jesus was crucified and resurrected. And with that absolute proof revealed. You'll see that we Must be here and no other year could be possible. The Shmita/ Sabbath years prove the count and "The COIN" confirms it all...

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July 10, 2021

In The Last Days!

Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters. It is getting heavy! Today we start with a little chat as we prepare our hearts for what's to come a week from now:) It's crazy to imagine what's truly at the Door and know we've understood that He's given us to understand! After the little chat we get into more revelation of the end time understanding and His 3 comings! This time confirmed to us by John, revealed in the chapters to years, that indeed our end time understanding of the great Feast of Weeks in years, is True!...

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July 07, 2021

The WHOLE Truth... Is Moments Away!

Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters. Get ready for the whole enchilada:) The whole 50 days - 14 years - 50th jubilee all revealed from Escape of the Bride of Christ to the End of the Millennial Reign! WOW... I wasn't kidding when I said the whole enchilada. And ALL of it comes from the revealed FeastS of Trumpets... Beginning to End, the Two Swords and Fire, and the Bowl judgements, to the very end... when Death is finally destroyed!...

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July 03, 2021

His COMING"S"... The DAY"S" We All Know!

Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters. This one is going to have you on the edge of your seat with excitement. You're about to see and understand the "day and hour hour no one knows", better than you ever have in your life! You're about to understand Who it's talking about and... Literally WHEN it's talking about! And you're not only going to understand this from Matthew's perspective, but of greater importance for those of the sleeping church remaining till the Rapture... Mark's perspective!!!...

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June 30, 2021

The TWO New Years... Amazing!

Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters. Welcome back to some more exciting new revelations! The Spirit most certainly keeps leading and it's awesome:) Today, two new revelations will shed greater light on two end time fronts. One is the Feast of Weeks and how the counting of it has not only been misunderstood as we've recently shared. But how the two groups who count with it, don't realize how they're counting and observing is both right and yet quite wrong at the same time?...

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June 26, 2021

They're In The ASCH Experiment!

Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters. Welcome back. Today we're going to hopefully help renew and strengthen many of you with some great understanding of who "we" (as we watch and pray to be accounted worthy) the bride of Christ will be. With insight as to who that means we'll be, where we'll be, and what we'll actually be like!!! Once you grasp what is being said about WHO we are... It Is Soooo Exciting! And to think we're only weeks away:)...

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June 22, 2021

Jonah as Never Seen Before!

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Welcome back. Well today we start with adding a couple of confirming nuggets to our pack. But then from there, we move into the Book of Jonah as we never have before. I found it interesting as I thought about Jonah and realized I hadn't yet done a complete teaching just on his book? I thought that was strange considering we know who the two portions speak to and when?...

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June 18, 2021

The Incredible 1000 Year Revelation!

Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters. GOD is good and His revelation keeps revealing! This time the Spirit leads us to the understanding of the END of it ALL! The new Heaven"s" and new Earth! Revealing the end of the book with a little more clarity, in the details... The time of Our Lord and Saviors Millennial Reign!...

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June 14, 2021

We Have Understood! (Are You Ready)

Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters. Welcome back, grab a seat and get excited:) Because as the title says... We HAVE Understood! Today's video will build on what we've understood, and reveal even greater understanding with new confirmations. It truly has been an incredible journey through the revelation of His End Time Word! Revealing and confirming it to us at every turn of the page. There is zero doubt in mind, in the understanding of all these revelations given over the almost 4 years, that...

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June 10, 2021

It's IN His Name! (share it)

Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters. You're about to watch one of our top videos here in this ministry, about understanding and timing, revealed like never before! There simply Ain't No Denying, what you're about to see and hear! From a portion of another book opening, to Enoch's taken date which is the bride's Escape, to all three calendars completely inline, to GOD's name REVEALED for the Gentile Bride, to a confirmation hidden in the Hebrew alphabet about the Bull/ Ox's "again" for the Atonement of sins...

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June 08, 2021

The Count IS ON!

Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters. Today we're going to confirm The Count, we ARE currently in, but this time from another angle:) We're going to look at the complete "was" picture of Moses and the Israelites from when they left Egypt and arrived in the wilderness of Sinai in the Exodus! To the times Moses met with the LORD including his two sets of 40 days...

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June 03, 2021

This Time It's The BULL's Turn!

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Hold on to your hats! This is "the video" (in part), that many of you have been asking about. It's the revelation of yet another revelation of the "AGAIN"! This is not a video recommended for new Brothers and Sisters to the ministry, so if you're here and reading this, please begin with the intro series. This will be too much to handle with the foundation of the end time understanding. ...

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May 30, 2021

The WORD Has Revealed It!

Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters. Today's teaching IS going to Rock your World:) I promise you, you're all about to be the most excited people on the face of the earth!!! Rejoice in the LORD. We have been given the revelation of another Mystery never before revealed until now. This mystery is not only an "is to come", but is also a "was" revelation. And what it tells us and what it means... is the answer to the greatest news we've all been praying to one day understand...

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May 21, 2021

The Revelation is Hidden in Everything (and the first 50)

Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters. As we know EVERYTHING is about to change. For some the greatest change that could be imagined and beyond. But for the vast majority... the Beginning of the End. But in the midst of this time called the, Worse in All Human History, will come the greatest supernatural time of revival and salvation in Jesus Name...

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May 17, 2021

We GOT It (these and those)

Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters. Wow! What more can I say. Prepare your hearts and minds for a barrage of new revelations to add to some of the best reveals we've ever had. From more opening of new books with incredible revelation. To one that we've had understanding of, but had never had the complete answer to. It had eluded us for a couple years until now. And the only way it could be answered, is with all of it being true...

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May 14, 2021

The Beginning

Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters. Yes, welcome back? Looks like we still have a little further to go. Hopefully today I can bring a little more comfort in understanding that this little further isn't too much more at all. But, that's not all we get into today. Once we get a good grip on what we're looking at next and why scripturally and heavenly. We'll then move into confirming what we're still also watching for and bring it right into the time of Syria's attack (the second attack that removes them from Israel/ Jerusalem) right to Syria's final attack after 13 years...

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May 08, 2021

MORNING "Star" Resurrection and MOON Revelation!

Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters. Ohhhh my! Get Ready Bereans for a flurry of New and Timely Revelations... Never Before Seen or Understood until today:) I know that's saying a lot, but you'll witnesses it all for yourselves in today's video. From a last minute revelation of the dark moon timing, to a greater understanding of who the group of the 144,000 may be, to the revelation of the "MORNING" as Christ is the "Star" of Resurrection day at the Pre Tribulation Escape of the Bride of Christ!...

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May 05, 2021

A Single Star (natural or Artificial)

Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters. Welcome back. Today we get mentally strengthened in the understanding of His Word, for this coming season and time:) I know soooo many of us are on the edge of our seats in anticipation of the Lord coming for His bride. That we can sometimes get mentally pained understanding how close it all is, while yet not knowing with certainty exactly when? ...

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April 30, 2021

The BULL = Resurrection!

Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters. We are still in it! But hold on tight, the one calendar I had totally dismissed at least 3 times, may very well, have been it the whole time. It seems almost impossible at first. But once you see the connections to Our Ministry here, in the "Revelation" of this understanding of the "Apocalypse". It seems almost impossible not to be it? From "right on target", to the 14th brightest star, to the meaning of the Bull/ Ox and the "Beginning"! Today's video is truly a wild ride. Its caused me to be a little freaked out over it all as well. The connections to us are absolutely undeniable. ...

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April 27, 2021

Beautiful Live Show Gathering:)

Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters. Welcome to some time spent together:) Sharing, Encouraging, Watching, and Diligently seeking Him until... TOGETHER! What a blessings we've been given, Eyes to See and Ears to Hear what the Spirit has been saying! So let us continue to remain DILIGENT right to the end! I look forward to meeting you and your families very, very soon. GOD bless and comfort each of you... until....

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April 22, 2021

Incredible... End to Start! (and the 50 days Revealed)

Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters. Welcome back. This IS one exciting action packed video today. Don't skip a beat or you'll miss something. Today we go in reserve. Meaning the teaching begins with the end of the 14 years and makes it's way forward, revealing new scripture understanding along the way, and culminates with a bang at the Beginning!...

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April 18, 2021

Paradise and the SECOND ADAM!

Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters. Welcome back. Today we have some more very exciting revelations. The first brings a little more evidence and insight to the last couple videos in relation to the end of the first half of Trumpets and its timing to Aaron. But the greater portion in the second part is going to yet again, not only prove out the 14 years with more evidence, but will do so in an incredible revelation from creation as Christ being the Second Adam!!!

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April 14, 2021

The 144,000 and Strike Two

Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters. Welcome back. I hope you're ready with your Berean hats on and pen and paper! This one is loaded and not for the faint of heart for deep diving into scripture? Today's teaching essentially continues from the last video. I said I'd carry it forward a little more into Hebrews and especially into John. And in particular in John relating to the end of seals into trumpets...

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April 09, 2021

Two Strikes and the Other Baptism (Amazing!)

Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters. Welcome back. Today's teaching Is a Deep and Heavy one! Filled with incredible revelations never before understood. So hold on tight. For all you Bereans be prepared to watch more than once! I was blown away preparing for it, even up to 30 minutes before starting it. It just kept becoming more and more clear. For those who began to understand in a previous video about Moses' two strikes and what they represented. Wait until you hear more revelation about why, and what came to me in another one of my, shower revelations, about it. ...

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April 06, 2021

The GOLDEN Number (Perfect)

Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters. Welcome back. I had so much I wanted to cover in today's video, but realized towards the end, it would have been way too long. So when you hear me talk about the "Baptism"S", know that I don't get into it all in today's video, but that it will be all for the next video. And it's going to be very eye opening, to say the least:)...

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April 02, 2021

GOD Never Changes!

Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sister. Welcome back... yes unfortunately, but you're about to find out, Still very much Excitingly! We here in this ministry have known and spoken, Often, about the fact we knew and understood there was always a second possibility with the calendar understandings. I had simply made a conscious decision to stick with the Hebrew calendar only, for about the past year. I could no longer jump from calendar to calendar as I felt it caused too much confusion. But we knew when the time of the end came the understanding as to which one it was truly going to be would be revealed...

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March 26, 2021

The Passover WORM Moon!

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. One For The Road:) Today's video came about by a post from a Sister about this coming Full Moon on March 28th being the "worm moon". Well I started to go down that trail and it was fantastic. Parts you may have heard someone teach on before, but the timing and what happens to it and after? You may not have heard! It all ties into what we've been teaching for the past couple months...

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March 23, 2021

The END TIME CODE Revealed!

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Welcome back! As the title says today's video in going to focus on the end time code. And we know what that means, the revelation of... 50-14-50! A detailed look of its understanding from start to finish. All proven with incredible scripture to tie it all up in a beautiful revelation bow:) Undeniably revealing Where and When we are now...

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March 20, 2021

The Fragments Reveal The Weekend!

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Today's video is filled the excitement. For one...We did it! YES... The Book is now available in all forms for you to share. Free, Digital and Paperback! (see below) Not only is there excitement about the book, but what the revelation of the scroll fragments recently found are telling us for right now! And it's Much, Much More then you think! When you see the understanding, it's going to freak some of you out!...

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March 17, 2021

Do You Understand What This ALL Means

Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters. Welcome back. Today we're going to look at a whole bunch of scripture and prove from one revealing piece into the next that... We Have In All Truth and Understanding, Understood! And that what all this revealing means is... THIS IS IT! The Books have Opened and it's all true. THE WHOLE EARTH IS ABOUT TO CHANGE! So keep watching and praying. And we'll see you very soon:)

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March 13, 2021

The Fields Are White And Ready!

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Welcome back and GOD bless you all. Today we're going to get into a couple things. One not so planned but I believe will finally help bring clarity to those who have been wondering as I had, how to understand the first seal white horse rider and his timing in relation to our 14 year understanding! I believe I have finally understood it and that you will too. From there we go into what I did have planned and that is, John 4. Many have been trying to understand the verse about "yet four months" and " the fields are white and ready".

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March 09, 2021


Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters. Welcome back. Today we Finally tie in Jerusalem's count to the End Times. You'll finally see how Jerusalem can be ending in the same year count as Israel's true 70th! So exciting and every time, like we say, we find more it is always 100% in it's position and place in its end time understanding! Plus, we'll also get into a little more detail on the possible working groups many are wanting to discern a little better.

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March 05, 2021

Looking Back Reveals Forward! (again and again)

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. We have another exciting one for you today. Filled with nuggets that will clarify and bring greater understanding to not only the beginning of the picture, but straight through to the end as well. The revelation of the time frame of events Jesus is known for doing, reveals precisely the timing in the end times, it's just awesome. Every nugget proving out the bigger picture, and always where it should be. I'm continuously in awe by the continued amount of revelation we've been so blessed to receive these past 3.5 years. GOD is good:)

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March 01, 2021

Wedding Week FOUND! (and much more)

Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters. Welcome back. Today's video is from the Live Show we did a few days on Interrupts165. *If you would like to just get to the revealing of the Wedding Week. Feel free to start at the 1hour 19minute mark*. But for those who want greater understanding, take the time to watch and take it all in! You will be blessed....

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February 26, 2021

The Revelation of Daniel 9 (The End Time Understanding)

Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Welcome back! Today's video is one of the long awaited ones, by some. The study note series version of Daniel 9's understanding. Showing in a compacted way, how it clearly reveals the 14 year timeline. And how it could Never have Ever been understood, in the end time understanding of it, UNTIL the 14 years was Revealed! So enjoy, understand, pray on it for those new to seeking it's understanding and share it! Also just a little lower is the link for you for print and make copies of for others and or to make notes with as you study it.

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February 21, 2021

ALL of it IS Connected to PASSOVER!

Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters. Welcome back. Today's video reveals, Everything we're looking for relating to the Escape of the Bride of Christ... Is Connected to Passover time! ALL OF IT! I even discovered places speaking about the Passover that I hadn't even realized were talking about it until today. Proving even more powerfully, that it is truly without doubt or question in my mind... Passover time of 2021!

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February 17, 2021

First shall be LAST... Last shall be FIRST! (WOW)

Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters. Hold on tight, because... you may not be ready for this one? Today's video goes deep and then some. So prepare yourselves, your hearts and minds. Because this one gets pretty wild!!! We start off with a fun piece based on a comment. Then build a little more detail to the timing of Sardis, from the last video. And then from there... Hold On Tight, as we delve into some new revelation that has Never before been seen or understood... AGAIN:)

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February 13, 2021

MYSTERY of the 7 Churches REVEALED!

Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters. Finally! Many of you know I've been wanting to get this video done for a little while now. It's such an awesome revelation of understanding for the end of days. The MYSTERY of the 7 churches in their end time application has been desired to be understood for centuries. And for some reasons, not yet understood to any of us... He, our Lord, has chosen us the receive it.

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February 09, 2021

Pre / Mid / Post... Triumphal / Transfiguration / Resurrection!

Today's video is a whole lot of fun! I've wanted to make this video for about a month now. And although most of you will have already understood much of it over the months and years you've been watching. You've never seen it all together like this... and with additional nuggets never before seen:) To have each of these three stories put together in one teaching, from each perspective of Luke, Mark and Matthew is awesome! It will help those who have been trying to understand it more clearly and help you to share it with others in a much easier way.

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February 05, 2021

He Who Will Declare! (The beginning)

Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters. Welcome back:) Today we're going to focus on the book of Ezra and it's timing. I thought it was going to reveal a certain type of count we've come to understand here in this ministry. And for the first few chapters it was, but then it makes a quick change and jumps forward... as you'll see. It's really a very interesting book, in particular, how it's laid out.

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February 01, 2021

Groaning Within Ourselves... for The COMING Expectation!

Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters. We have more exciting understanding and revelation for you today! I touch on a couple areas, but the main focus is a more in depth look into the details of the last teaching... the revelation of the Resurrection! We look closer into Luke's wording and the "stone" being cast. As well as Matthew's wording for the "30 pcs. of silver". What does it all mean and how is it all connected to the End Times, that's only weeks away from beginning?

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January 28, 2021

This Is HUGE... The RESURRECTION Revealed! (mind-blowing)

Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters. This is a Mic Drop! Today's video... IS going to Blow Your Minds! So Bereans, get you pens and papers ready:) I know it's long, (feel free to jump to the 25 minute mark to save time, if you must:) but this is one to be studied! I promise you, if you take the time to follow the revelation and the process to the unveiling of it all... You Will Be Blessed... with a Brand New revelation and the understanding of it. Confusion will be Made Clear!

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January 25, 2021

Israel, Babylon, Spring Wheat... Vanish!

Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters. This is the Live Show we did on Interrupts 165 channel last Friday. It was a really good one and wanted to be sure anyone who hadn't yet seen it from Ministry Revealed got the chance to and anyone wanting to watch it again could do so here as well. There were some great nuggets revealed here for the first time as well. Like the 3 main wheats grown in the world and how they connect to the end time harvest of the Wheat:) As well as the evidence that the END TIME code IS 50-14-50!

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January 22, 2021

The 40 Days of The Son of man! (Before the Tribulation)

Today's teaching is one that has been asked of me for a little now. I've taught on it in many ways before, but never a video as clear as possible dedicated only to the understanding of it? So today that's exactly what I do! And you'll come to find there are even more details in the revelation of it, then you thought you understood:)

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January 16, 2021

Babylon Is About to Fall to Fall (share it!)

Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters. Today's teaching is a revelation of understanding that Needs to be Understood and SHARED! Out of the 300+ videos I've done... This Is One of the Most Important I Have Ever Done! Not only will you understand, without a doubt, that America is Babylon once and for all! You will understand the importance of understanding it NOW!

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January 14, 2021

What IF Trump? (but Not For Long)

Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters. We have New Revelation! This is going to get deep and very intense! It ties into the last video where I mentioned I didn't really want to go down a certain road and only made a couple comments about it because I really wasn't sure? Well what you're going to see today revealed from our Brother Daniel in his book is huge! For years I have never been committed as to "when" or "who" Babylon was and would fall. You will today!

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January 12, 2021

Perplexed And Avenged!

Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters. WOW! Get ready for some more exciting revelation on the Coming End of Days Understanding! This one is All about The Beginning of it! Some we've covered, some was old (like from the start of the ministry now being Confirmed... so amazing) and Some are Brand New revelations! Just wait until you get to the part that Confirms the understanding of the end of the 50 days, that will be the start of the Tribulation of 14 years!!! It's a mic drop confirmation, from a very small word...

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January 06, 2021

Hold On Tight... It's About to be Revealed!

Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters. Wow this one went long. And to think I wasn't even done:( But I promise you... you're going to want to understand this one! We know Luke in order and now we have the time frame of John's birth, Confirmed and Understood! But more then that... What it all means to the timing from the first attack, to the declaration of Peace and Safety, to what we'll witness next coming upon the earth, at the moment of the Escape of the bride. And the coming 40 days of the Son of man!

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January 03, 2021

WHEN The Dead In Christ Rise!

Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters. Today we have some very exciting scripture to share. It's a jam packed one today:) Including some great new connections that will seal the resurrection of the dead... in Christ! But today we start with a number of other exciting points, parts and pieces I wanted to share. Some great confirmations of recent videos and greater light shinning on and confirming other parts we've begun to understand!

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December 30, 2020

Everybody Love A Wedding"S"! (are you ready for yours:)

Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters. Welcome back:) Today is going to be an amazing video! You're now for the first time, going to understand from the Gospels... that yes indeed... there are 2 WEDDINGS and we have understood! I've revealed it a number of times from different angles, but was never fully able to show who these two differences were, with certainty?

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December 26, 2020

Attack... ESCAPE... War, War, War!

Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters. Welcome back. I pray you enjoyed some much needed rest and time with family... as much as was allowed:( Today's video isn't the most joyous one to return with, but, that's where I was led! There's certainly great news in it. In that we may now have the answer we've been looking for? Can we know by an event that the escape is about to happen?

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December 22, 2020

The MYSTERY Is In Sight!

Hello Fourteeners, Brother and Sisters. Today we're going to go into a bunch of parts and pieces. We're going to talk about the Big Picture of time. As well as see Judas's connection in Matthew with being paid, and how it relates to when Messiah will be cut off during trumpets in the end times? We'll also bring comfort to the many worrying about this time being the mark of the beast?

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December 18, 2020

Come For A Ride! (through the end:)

Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters. Yes unfortunately we're still here. But all it means is more family and friends have yet to wake up! The time IS at hand and we do have Less then a handful of months. Do Not be distracted now! We've come this far. So let's keep looking up and as you do, keep drawing closer. And I'll keep sharing His coming end of days revealing... until!

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December 14, 2020

They're NOT at The SAME TIME!!!

Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters. We have an exciting one for everyone today! Question? Should we not have been considering that "maybe" just "maybe"... the Escape/ Like a Rapture, of the Bride of Christ. Is not "immediately" followed by the Son of man's 40 days and 50th of Pentecost 2.0? ...

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December 08, 2020

The Coming... Foundations, Walls, and Gates!

Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters. Welcome back. And as I said I would... eventually:) I have finally gotten to the video on the Foundation. However, in today's teaching we go into much more then the just the coming Foundation... walls and gates. I also wanted to touch on some very important understandings, in particular due to the many new Brothers and Sisters who have joined us here recently...

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December 04, 2020

Sharing The Pieces to The END! (Live Show with Interrupts165)

Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters. Today we were invited to join Interrupts 165 for a Live Show. I was very happy to join to share wherever the Spirit would lead us. We had a bit of a plan going in, but then just kept going:) It was exciting to reach a new audience and give greater detail and understanding, to the Opened Gospels and 14 years. While tying it all into how it relates to now, using the Hebrew calendar with scripture. Very exciting! The Spirit was moving.

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December 01, 2020

It's in The Books... 7-8, 7-8, 7-8!

Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters. Such an exciting time we're in! It doesn't always feel exciting... believe me I know:) But in the greater picture of everything we're seeing happen around us, knowing what's taking place and what Must Come FIRST! It makes it the most exciting time in all of history, for this Generation, of those diligently seeking Him and believing that He is a Rewarder of Those who Diligently Seek Him!

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November 27, 2020

Either Or... We're At The DOOR! (but this one's pretty awesome)

Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sister. I bring you today's video with "tempered" excitement, if that's even possible for me:) We just shared in the last video that there are clearly still a number of possible outcomes for the Escape of the Bride of Christ. However, in today's teaching, I'm going to put together what we know are the key elements that come, "Above" the 14 years. Specifically; the 7 days for the wedding, His about an 8th day return to start His 40 days as the Son of man, to the 50th day for the Holy Ghost of what we call Acts 2.0!

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November 24, 2020

"ABOVE" 14 Years! The Beginning and The End

Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters. Such an exciting time we're living in! Knowingly moments away from an Eternity with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and Father GOD in the Third Heaven! The closer it gets, we can certainly see, the harder it's becoming around the world. But I tell you now... even though there are great possibilities for The Day...

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November 19, 2020

Understanding IS Now!

Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters. This IS a big one. It's power punch packed!!! So get your Berean hats on, pens and papers ready. This is understanding revealing understanding, in understanding:) Depth into depth, and then it goes a little deeper! We spend some time in the now. How close we are, regardless of the exact date, while looking at the understanding of THE 70th year start time to now!

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November 17, 2020

Prophetic Voices and Timing! (the Son of man IS about to Step In)

Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters. Welcome back:) I start today by telling you a little of what we'll be getting into in this video. However, I don't end up going into all of it? The video would have been much much longer (even for this ministry:) And it turned out to be a good cut off point anyways. So the rest will be in the next teaching.

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November 13, 2020

Decade, Year, MONTH, Day!

Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters. I was asked if we could do a live show today to just spend some time together as we watch and pray while looking for His coming for the Bride. There was nothing planned, just letting the Spirit take us through the word. GOD is good and the Spirit is leading in the Word... for such a time as this!!!

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November 10, 2020

Decade, Year, MONTH, Day!

Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters. Welcome back... hopefully one for the road:) Today I'll remind a little of past revelation/ teachings that will help us understand a little better where we are. But more exciting than that. Today will be a glimpse into a new opened, chapter to year book! The book of Judges! And the most exciting part of it all, for us at this time, is what it reveals in the exact same chapter to year, that all the others have... The first Bride!!!

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November 05, 2020

The REVELATION of... 777 (Escape, Rapture, Return)

Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters. It's a long one, but it's worth Every Minute! It's a mind bending, jaw and mic dropping, action packed End Time teaching of scripture revelation as never done before! Yes that WOW! Including the revelation of the year and month of the escape from scripture! You will see and understand that it truly could not have been revealed by any other group of people, except the Opened Books/ 14 Years, Watchmen and Women?

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November 02, 2020

In The White Horse Rider? bow, crown, conquering...

Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters. Today's video will go into a few different areas, but with a focus on this season we're in now. Asking, is it possible that we're in the midst of the White Horse rider? We here in the ministry understand, and I'll show it clearly in this video, that the 14 years of tribulation for seals and trumpets. Does not begin until the Red Horse rider? So it's a very valid question for us to consider, whether or not we're right now in the midst of it...

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October 30, 2020

Counting Down and Revealing!

Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters. Today's video is action packed with revelation:) We dig deeper into connections to the Feast of Tabernacles... that Starts and Ends the whole story! We have a closer look into Rev.14 as we never have before! Revealing a new opened "chapter" with "verses" to years! We also find out from plans, a prophetic word and scripture... that there is Indeed a much worse Plague coming (but good news, not while we're here)!

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October 26, 2020

End Times Q&A and Scripture Dig!

(Starts at about the 5 minutes mark) Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters. Today's video is from last night's Live Show End Times Q&A and scripture dig! Hope you enjoy it. We go into a number of scriptures to cover questions from the Bride(s)? To the different worker groups referred to in Luke 12 as 1st, 2nd, and 3rd watch, and where in the gospels we can find them clearly defined. And much more.

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October 22, 2020

The True 70th Is The... REVELATION! (that reveals)

Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters. Get ready, for a revealing of end time scriptures, as you've never gotten ready for before! This is "one" of the greatest revelations of end time scripture that has ever come through this ministry. And I say that with the full understanding of Everything that has come to be revealed here! I'm so excited to present this to you. That I could no longer wait another day in between teachings to give it to you.

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October 19, 2020

NOW and to COME...

Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters. This IS it! The revelation of the 70th, the 7's of the Sabbaths since Jesus' birth, and the final Jubilee! All Revealed in the counts from the Word!!! From where We Are Now and when the rest to come... Will Begin. It is so awesome! GOD is good. So pay attention and watch again as needed.

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October 14, 2020

The Beginning and The Ending

Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters. Welcome back and get ready with your Berean hats on! But not right away:) As I get going in today's video I'm going to show you a very exciting video that was shared with me today, that completely confirms this Ministry, in its revelation of the 7 easy, with 7 and 7 to come for 14 years of tribulation and total 21 years!So amazing! GOD is good.

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October 11, 2020

The Final Piece! 7 Days Mystery Revealed

Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters. You're in for a Ride through scripture today that you have never seen before! As mentioned in the forum on last night. I said I "may" have found another Opened Book revelation? Well...hold on tight, because I did. And as you begin to see it progress through this teaching, you'll see it more and more.

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October 05, 2020

Time to... Assemble at The DOOR!

Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters. I have an exciting one again today, that will show you... WE ARE HERE! I'm going to add revelation to our understanding of who the gospels are speaking to and prove that yes we have understood Luke knows All Things in Order! This revelation that builds on the understanding will then help lead into what we're all watching for now...

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September 29, 2020

I Think We Foun... You Be The Judge!

Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters. Well... I think this maybe it? But as the title says, you all be your own judge on this one. I try not to be a "feelings" type when it comes to these things? But the reason for my "feeling" now... is because of the revelation of understanding from scripture! It's feeling more real to me then ever before. So pray, pray, pray for your family and friends. We may very well be moments away from standing before our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in the 3rd Heaven!

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September 26, 2020

Glass Darkly Lit... Getting BRIGHTER!

Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters! We're in for a ride today!!! Today's video is so packed, I can assure you it will take more then one watch...however you may not have enough time to watch it more then once:):):) I'll let today's teaching speak for itself in the revelations and confirmations it will give. Showing that MR teachings and revealings are about to be proven correct!

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September 22, 2020

We KNOW! Now comes the "End"

Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters. Here comes the "End"!!! As the firstfruits Groan within ourselves, we can take comfort in today's teaching and understanding that... We KNOW!!! We only needed to dig a little deeper and go a little further, to understand when the "Firstfruit(s) of the Wheat Harvest" will become "One Body":) We now have the Revelation with the Understanding of the "END" we've been looking for, in the Year we've known it must come in!

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September 16, 2020

Season and Time... a 3 Name Revelation!

Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters. Welcome back! Sorry for the delay in getting out the next video. Still at my mom's place helping out. I'll be here until the 21st...or not...because we'll all be together:) I have an exciting one today. To start off, Mike had told me about three names in the bible and what their meanings were and I just had to share them in greater detail. I'll share how they're connected to each Gospel in detail...and how we should be extra sure to keep on our toes...Fourteeners:)

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September 07, 2020

Flesh and Bone, Only Once!

Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters!!! I'm back at it:) Thank you all from me, my mom and family! I'm here in Ottawa, still waiting on my mom to be released from the hospital, but all is well. She doing well and I've become a cleaning, organizing machine:)

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August 30, 2020

Keys Are Given to...Reveal Mysteries!

Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters. I have an exciting one for you today (tonight:) But I would like to start off by thanking you all for your prayers and continued prayers for my mother as she begins her healing process. Tonight we have another revealed connection in understanding! And for me I believe it was a confirmation of the word given by a Sister in Christ we've shared here a few times in the past! It's awesome!

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August 27, 2020

Like a Rapture, His Birth, Tribulation!

Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters. Welcome back:) In today's video we cover quite a bit! We show a little of what was, to today's time. Plus what is and how it's coming together for what's to come! We connect from the Escape (like a rapture), to His birth's 40 days and then the beginning of Tribulation...with who may cast the first stone..."WHEN"!!! And support this by one of pastor Dana Coverstone's visions for October!

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August 23, 2020

911, Enoch's Days, and The Land's Rest!

Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters. Today's video is Very Exciting and will confirm from scripture something I've been telling everyone for over 2.5 years about Jerusalem! BUT, at the same time... unfortunately, it will come with some Very Disturbing words from scripture! So hold on tight, and know and understand He IS in control. And that every piece of what's being shared is from Scripture, His Word (as always). And being taught here with the understanding of End Time scriptures revealed for this coming time upon the earth, that's moments away!!!

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August 19, 2020

John to Jesus...Baptism to Ministry!

Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters. Today's video sheds more light into the confirming understanding of Christ's true birthday, which we shared in the last video. But this time backed by even greater scripture detail, to answer questions that His true birthday brought up in relation to the timing of His ministry? And I reveal it from the ministry of John the Baptist to his death...

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August 15, 2020

9/11...His Birthday and The Escape! (live show recording)

Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters. We have an absolutely incredible reveal for you today! For those who haven't seen the Live Show we did yesterday...hold on tight! I believe we've found it!!! We've known for over a year now that Jesus' birthday was the big Key to when His 40 days would begin? And How or Why do we know this? Because I have proven over and over again through many many scriptures that Luke Knows All Things In Order! Making the Key to when He would start His 40 days, connected to His birth, based on Luke 2...

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August 11, 2020

REVEALING Matthew 24...His Coming!

Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters. Today's video is a revealing of Matthew 24 into 25. It kind continues from the last video in a way. The last video spent more time in Luke and Mark's discourse. But today's is All about Matthew's, with a particular focus on a specific word... "COMING"! We've talked about this word in the past but never to the extent we can explain and show it now! Because now, in each and every place it's mentioned in Matthew, we've revealed in recent videos...

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August 07, 2020

Discerning...Now, Later and After!

Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters. In today's video we get back into some digging. The Word is soooo incredible. When we have eyes to See and ears to Hear what the word is saying in all these end time it's so awesome how much we can truly connect with Discernment from the Spirit within Us! I'm still in awe by it all daily. And today is no different. We're going to spend some time in parts of the discourses today...

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August 02, 2020

End Days Exodus Revealed! (Moses to Jonah)

Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters. In today's video we have ourselves another OPENED BOOK revealed in its End Time understanding! When you see how it came to be revealed and how to actually read it..... it's going to blow your mind! I knew there was something for us in the Exodus story we had been looking at, but for some reason I just couldn't put my finger on it....until today! Oh...and that's only part of today's video! We also reveal and show an incredible connection for Our Day, from Moses to Jonah, through their 40 day events that is going to have your jaws on the floor!

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July 27, 2020

The Homestretch...

Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters. It truly appears that we are in the homestretch! In today's video I simply discuss in greater detail some of what was touched on in the last video and build on it with points not yet covered... however, spoken on before, but thought time had passed on them? You'll see for yourselves nothing has been skipped over or misunderstood from the revealing of end time scriptures! The Gospels, The Opened Books, The Years, The Timeline, The Expiry Date, The Sun and Moon and on and on.... ALL working together!

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July 23, 2020


Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters! THIS IS IT! It Has Been Revealed! You are about to understand The DAY that The TRIBULATION of the 14 years, of Seals and Trumpets...Will Begin! Yes you are about to witness, from multiple scriptures, The day the LORD GOD will release the tribulation! I did not say, the day of the Escape or "like" a rapture? But from this day, you'll be able to discern from all the revelations we've brought forward here in this ministry for 3 years. That there are only going to be 50 days that come before it!

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July 20, 2020

Seeing The COMING ATTACK"S" (on earth and from heaven)

Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters. Today we have a jam packed video (as usual:) Where I'll cover the Now of scripture, to the Now of Events we're hearing talked about all around the world. From an impending asteroid/ meteor belt strike (this year). To coming war"s" (this year), on the verge of breaking out between biblical nations...

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July 16, 2020

The 2 Wraths! Revelation upon Revelation

Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters. Today we continue or build upon the last video with greater depth into the beast and his return, the time of the 10 horns compared to the 7 heads. What the 7 churches represent in church history and church FUTURE!!! Plus incredible revelation about the 2 Wraths! One form the Lamb and what it All represents. And the other of satan and when that time is and what it tells us about the coming churches...

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July 12, 2020

The Coming Tribulation...Seen as Never Before!

Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters. Today you are in for the ride through tribulation, as you have Never Seen or Witnessed in your life! From Revelation chapter 6 to 13... ALL in Order, with a little Daniel to confirm it all. Nothing skipped or missed. A complete ride through the Seals and Trumpets with greater detail and revelation never before shared...or ever possibly understood in Anyone's 7 year teaching!...

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July 08, 2020

The WHOLE Wedding Story!

Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters. You're in for an Eye Opener:) I've mentioned the true wedding story understanding in passing in a couple live shows. But never in full like I wanted and said I had hoped to do...GOD willing? Well this is that teaching! BUT, more then that, The way it gets tied into today's video, I think is awesome! Because we start today's video with the season and time we're in right now and what we know is about to begin. And I relate this to a greater detailed study of what Jesus Told Us!!!

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July 02, 2020

GOD's Calendar Revealed, Understood and Confirmed!

Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters. What this 100% accurate calendar of the LORD the truth of what's coming this weekend!!! For those who haven't yet seen this revelation in the Live Show we did yesterday on Mike's channel...Here it IS! It IS the absolute, 100% confirmed and understood calendar of the Lord GOD. It has been revealed by the true understanding of Christ's Birthday on June 17th, 2BC. That date and it's understanding is the revelation of exactly how we're to determine all the years, months and Feast Days, etc! ALL perfectly inline with GOD's words and the Sun, Moon and Stars!

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June 30, 2020

It's TIME To GO!!! (the Body with the Head)

Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters. We Have Understood! ...His Birth Shall the Feast of Weeks...the First Fruits of the Wheat Harvest! The Body with the Head...Born on the SAME DAY!!! There's no time to waste! For anyone who's been holding off getting baptized...NOW is the time! Repent, and be baptized for the remission of your sins, in Jesus Christ's name and receive the Holy Ghost! Do you want the Third Heaven IN the Kingdom of GOD or would you rather attempt to endure the testing of the Seals judgements? The choice IS clear and must be NOW!

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June 26, 2020

See and Understand! (truth was right there)

Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters. It has been Revealed! And better then that? It was in front of our eyes from the beginning!!! You will see today from Scripture and the Heavens, why we have known and understood this IS the time! But why we hadn't yet been able to figure out the WHEN. We've been focused on HIS BIRTHDAY for the past couple, three months, with great intensity. Because we've understood where He's been leading us.

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June 23, 2020

Diligence Rewarded! (the Pre Trib Escape)

Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters! Ohhhh I think you're going to love today's teaching! We KNOW we have an expiry date and we KNOW the year and time we're in Right Now!!! We KNOW from proven scripture, there's no other option then this year...and BEFORE the Expiry Date. Well...not only is there no other option for the expiry date. There's also no option left after today's revealed understanding of the true season and time of the Sun, Moon, and Stars!!!

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June 15, 2020

One for The Road!

Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters. I felt we could use, One for The Road:) To help bring us HOME and shed some light for those left behind. See You All Very Soon:) GOD bless, comfort, strengthen and watch over you and yours always! So be sober, ready and watching. Keep your Houses in Order. It Begins! I love you and thank you for all you have done to help me and the ministry. Your prayers, intercessions, support and more! Me and my family have been so blessed and I pray that all this has been a blessing to you all as well.

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June 11, 2020

Right ON Target! (the sign)

Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters. THIS IS IT!!! The sign we've been waiting for! He HAS answered The Confirmation! See You All Very Soon:) GOD bless, comfort, strengthen and watch over you and yours always! So be sober, ready and watching. Keep your Houses in Order. It Begins! I love you and thank you for all you have done to help me and the ministry. Your prayers, intercessions, support and more! Me and my family have been so blessed and I pray that all this has been a blessing to you all as well.

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June 03, 2020


Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters! This is the teaching that brings it ALL Home! Every single part and piece of all understanding, revelation, dreams and visions... EQUAL This Coming Weekend! It Is All True! For any and all who take the time to watch the whole video here today. You will be blessed with knowing that you have come to understand, once and for all... that...This IS it! With complete truth in understanding of all revelation having been revealed through this ministry. We're Here!

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June 01, 2020

Just a Few More Days!

Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters. Deep breath everyone! And Know.....WE ARE HERE!!! There was one option left to get to Pentecost! And that was His BIRTH date! We KNEW it and now we KNOW it! So Understand, See it with your own eyes and be completely encouraged in Knowing...It IS true and we ARE here! SEE YOU ALL... IN JUST A FEW DAYS :):):):):):):) The typical length of a pregnancy (link below). Add those days to Sept.10 and you get.....that's right HIS BIRTHDAY! (you'll understand why this link after watching this video)

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May 24, 2020

It's TIME! Take Comfort and Know! (must watch)

End Time revelation, not one piece of the puzzle out of place! The entire thing from start to finish revealed in precise Order! The ultimate revealing of the combined, almost 3 years, of revelation coming through this ministry in End Time Knowledge and Understanding!

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May 20, 2020

Intro to the End Time Chapters to Years - The Opened Books!

Today's teaching is, Part 3 of our Intro Series with study notes. I know, I know:)...the first two intro teachings I was able to keep to around 30 minutes long. But with this incredible revelation and the amount of scripture that needs to be covered to prove it clearly needed much more than 30 minutes

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May 13, 2020

WATCH! (That Day is almost here)

It will not only tie in this coming Pentecost, His return after 7 days, and the connection to Luke 21 and 1Thes.5! But it will also connect to the church of Sardis! You'll see that not only does Sardis speak as Luke 21 and 1Thes.5 do. But, so do the Events of Sardis' history, line up with events we've been teaching for over a year and a half, and know will start the Tribulation, after the Escape of the Bride.........This June:)

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May 7, 2020

HIS Birth Connection to NOW! (Leah to Rachel)

From Genesis to Revelation, from Leah to Rachel revealed, from the Pentecost Escape of the Gentile Bride to His return after the Wedding for those who are to Open Immediately, from the Holy Ghost to the White Horse rider and Luke knowing All Things In Order! Plus a whole lot more in between!

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May 3, 2020

THEN Look Up and Lift Up Your Heads!

We cover of number of word definitions, that reveal greater understanding of what is being said, to who, when! It truly is amazing to see the structure of the scriptures be revealed before our eyes. Today, those Words, will show us His FIRST "coming near", then Second and Third "coming"!

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April 30, 2020

It ALWAYS Links! (and David too!)

It is revealing from start to finish and the LORD God is most definitely reassuring us with even Greater understanding, that what He has been giving us since the start of it all; IS TRUTH IN UNDERSTANDING! I'm so excited for you all to watch this one. It's powerful, it links to everything else as always and it gives us greater understanding and confirmation

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April 26, 2020


So let us remember and continue to bring greater clarity to what He has given and continues to develop in us. The keys we have been given have been given for such a time as this. So let us push forward with the greatest love we can show each other and those we give them to (or try to give them to)!

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April 21, 2020

OUR Enoch Time! (the End from the Beginning)

Confirmation from The Father regarding the 50th, He told us was "Right On Target". The revealing came from a greater in depth look to our dear Brother Enoch. So exciting!!!! Here's a clue? We know He's counting from Pentecost to start the 14 years and that the 50th Jubilee year count, comes at the end of the 14 years...but when will the "Father" complete the the RAINBOW?

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April 16, 2020

We ARE "They Are" (who DILIGENTLY Seek Him)

The one I said will have you picking your jaw up off the floor and / or in tears of Incredible Joy:) There was a greater, deeper and even More Awesome understanding to the purpose of the Lord's confirmation about the revelation of the 50th being the Start of the Tribulation. It is so awesome...

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April 13, 2020

We ARE FirstFruits! (H1061)

I got the day wrong, and I'm sorry:( Yes it sucked, but only for the first few minutes after waking up that morning:) Why...because I still knew without a doubt what hasn't changed, is the season and time that it will all start in!!! And that IS Spring 2020...We ARE Here, and nothing of the 14 years has change at All.

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March 26, 2020


You're about to see and understand that WE ARE, right now living IN the season and time, as our Brother Luke told us in the Words of Christ and by the Psalms! This is going to get heavy in understanding and truth being revealed, in mysteries hidden in His Word for such a time as this!

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March 22, 2020

The Woman IS COMING! (She IS the beginning of Judgement)

She is still Coming!!! And the nations are preparing for her! Because her time IS very very close. So close and so tied into the revelation of our end time understanding, that's it's now coming to light as never before! She IS the beginning of Judgement and the Fear of men's hearts failing them!!!

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March 18, 2020

It's BRIDE Time! Is Your Garment Clean and White? (with guest)

Are our Garments Clean and Spotless? Today's video is an exciting and very timely one, built around exactly that! We have a special guest as some of you heard I would be having. And I would say... this is such a GOD timing teaching, if there ever was one! We have been preparing to be the Bride of Christ, of that there is no doubt!

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March 14, 2020

Let's Be Clear...We Know WHEN!

We have been given, through revelation of scripture and a word from the Holy Spirit through an asked for confirmation like never before in my life...the Start of the tribulation...YES, THIS YEAR! This video brings clarity and confirmation, to the truth of the last revelation received, which was revealed in our last teaching called; After the 50th the Tribulation BEGINS!

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March 10, 2020

After the 50th The TRIBULATION Begins!
(this year!)

the 14 years Will Begin! This is something that has eluded us until now! We thought today was going to be the start of the 14 years. But we also knew it couldn't really have been, based on the revelation of everything we have come to understand about the 40 days of the Son of man that comes first!

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March 4, 2020

The Acceptable Year of the Lord! (and what the virus is bringing)

Like Luke knowing all things in order, to His return feet down. The potential of March as we know it! How the coronavirus is literally bringing about the events that are needed to bring in the end times. As well as, What and When the understanding of Luke 4's, The Acceptable Year for the Lord IS!

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March 7, 2020

The mark of the beast

The first video Ministry Revealed ever did back in June 2017. It was a two part video that our Brother Jimmy put into one for me. Understand this was before the end time revelations started of; who the gospels are speaking to, the 14 years or the opening of the books. The very first video I made after a few days of digging into it.

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March 1, 2020

Jerusalem's Coming 1st and 2nd DestructionS Revealed!

Today's video is an understanding that came to me today while looking into Jeremiah 52! I saw it instantly! It jumped right out at me and I understood it the moment I saw it. It's our connections to Daniel 9:2 when he tells us about Jeremiah and his books to years and that he then understood the "DesolationS" that would begin after the 70th year!

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February 27, 2020

Intro to the End Time Years Revealed!

The understanding of the End Time years, that we call "The 14 Years" (7 twice). I said I would put it out in a short 30ish :) minutes format. And believe it or not I was able to...but it wasn't easy! Although, I'm starting to really enjoy putting these short teachings together. They're truly not easy to do and take a lot more work then the full length teachings. Which I do like as well and will also continue doing

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February 24, 2020

Intro to the End Time Gospels Revealed!

Finally! A short, clear, detailed and shareable INTRO video, on the end time understanding of "Who the Gospels are Speaking to", that so many have been waiting for! I know many were also hoping I could include the 14 year portion in this too. But it's simply impossible to do in 30 minutes or less on this topic, because I need show the comparisons between each Gospel to give the supporting evidence of the truth being revealed

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February 19, 2020

Moses holds the Secret to the 8th Day at Purim!

Yes, March 10th? It turns out it is directly connected to Moses, the 8th day, the circumcision, the 7th and 14th, the end of 70 years and start of the 71st, the 1949 first day of government in Israel, Purim and the end of the 13th year! (Yes literally all of these things)

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February 16, 2020

There IS an Expiry Date!!!

There IS an Expiry Date. Oh you had better believe there is:) There is not much time left Brother and Sisters. The scriptures have proven this to us and today we will dig into some incredible scriptural meat, that has been revealed, for such a time as THIS. This will indeed, not only prove it by words, but also by Events currently happening and People involved in those events...Right Now!!!

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February 12, 2020

Olmert Ushers in Palestinian State & the Books Open!

The Peace Deal has been moving forward. And moving forward with exactly WHO should be bringing it forward! Plus, the wording by "they", is truly now being spoken and so is the "ease" that has begun to follow. Today we breakdown a little of what was said yesterday at the United Nation Security Counsel, which was all about the Peace Deal

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February 5, 2020

We're here...What's coming....

All relevant to now, with questions we've been asking, prophecies spoken and happened. All into this time we're in RIGHT NOW! This is an exciting one for all! It even briefly takes us down memory lane in a couple older videos, over a year and another almost 2 years ago. I really enjoyed this teaching today! And I hope it blesses all of you as well

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January 27, 2020

Time to Escape All These Things....

Revelations that have come to be understood through this ministry are true and Spirit lead! AND we just "may" have been given, The DAY and HOUR! (Yes Luke CAN Know!) Today's video is not only exciting, but will also touch a little more of what we left off on from the book of Hebrews. It's Revealed in an apocryphal book using the same words what we were questioning...could it be?

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January 24, 2020

Jaw Dropping End Time Understanding of Hebrews!

We'll be spending more in it, as we have with others that have opened to us. You WILL have some whatttt moments, to say the least, that will bring about a lot more questions I promise you:) But we'll make our way through as we have others and as more comes to light we'll keep adding to the understanding

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January 22, 2020

Peace and Safety at The DOOR!

So I've split the video into two parts. Which it really should have been anyways? This first one, is about everything that's been taking place relating to this later end of the true 70th year and all the Peace Deal talk that's been going through the roof! As well as to show you that the Rabbis are also expecting something, but not nearly to the extent it will actually be

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January 18, 2020

Psalms to Days? and His Final Return!

Today we're going to look at the Book of Psalms like we have have before. We've seen it as chapters to years and have proven it out from 18/ 118 to 33/133 but never have we done what you'll see today. I found it very interesting and wanted to share the findings. We're going to look at the Psalms as potential DAYS?

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January 14, 2020

Peace, Escape, Destruction, Horns and Carpenters!

I do briefly show another perfect connection in Hebrews to John, which I had no idea there was another place in scripture that told us this same thing? But there's still more to do on the whole. Having said that. I believe today's teaching is even a little more exciting! Today's main focus is about, who are the 4 horns, and more so, who are the 4 carpenters from Zech.1

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January 7, 2020

The Scriptures Are COMING ALIVE... NOW!

Today's video builds on the last one in regards to the second count of the 40 days we were looking at based on a scripture date from Zech.1! BUT it goes Way beyond that! It reveals the line up of the chapters from Daniel, 9 through 12 in their Order! And the possible connection to the time frame of the peace deal and sudden destruction that follows?

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January 1, 2020

An Incredible Closer Look...Almost There

I should be the thought back to it not being a "day" connection but "year" connection. Just as it is in Mark and Matthew's "after 6 "days" ". We've understood them as "years" for over a year and a half. Well its time to remember Luke's "about an 8th "days" " as years as well

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December 23, 2019

It's Time to GO! The 8th Day IS True!

Ready.... to Go Home! YES, I said it!!! I know some don't like to hear that, so then do what I keep saying. Take it with a grain of salt. But Please know I Do Not say this lightly! What you're about to watch here today is the Revealing of the truth that was given to us about an 8th day

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December 19, 2019

Enoch's Translation at 365 DAYS? White Already to Harvest!

Then bring it all into today's revelation about Enoch and his direct connection to the Feast of Dedication...chănûkkâh and his Translation. Enoch is our type and shadow and Enoch lived 365 years.....DAYS? And why it's more important and significant this year in 2019. Especially when his name means the Feast!

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December 16, 2019

The HIDDEN End Time Story in the Gospel of John

The Beginning....John. And in the video just mentioned I actually talk about this one. So I wanted to post it here because most have not seen it yet. It's the revealing, that within the Gospel of John, is the Hidden Story of the End Times over the 21 chapters in order

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December 12, 2019

MESSIAH! (and the wedding day)

Today we dig deeper into part of the revealing of the time of the bride, from the last incredible video. Where the book of Genesis was Revealed to us, with end time eyes that see the first 21 chapters, as the Gospel of John had just weeks before. Followed by the absolute incredible truth and revelation, on the literal calendar, of the season and time that is upon us for the Escape of the bride and the Son of man's 40 days to begin!

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December 9, 2019

In the Beginning...JOHN!

The Book of Genesis has now been opened to us like so many other books and in particular as the Gospel of John was! That's right...John's 21 year end time revelation IS Genesis' first 21 chapters as well! Absolute jaw dropping revelations. Such as we have never understood or spoken about before! In the second part we will see that we are indeed here, in the 70th year, in December at what is truly called the second tabernacle or the feast of dedication

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December 5, 2019

The 2 Foundations of End Time Understanding!

We were invited to explain to the viewers of The Disciple channel, the end time revelation and understanding of Who the Gospels are Speaking Too and The 14 Years (not one 7 year period, but two). I and many of us here at Ministry Revealed were very excited and thankful to be invited to do our first live show

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December 2, 2019

Luke knew...Escape, Rapture, Return in order!

Luke said about knowing all things and in order. We looked at some of it a couple months ago, but there's so much more there I've been wanting to dig up and share, that reveals so much more in understanding other places of scripture. It really is amazing! And our sister Tabby helped make that decision today with some emails we had back and forth!

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November 28, 2019

John reveals WHEN...The son of Perdition!

Hello Fourteeners. Today's video is one of our shortest ones in a while. You'll also notice I'm a little scattered during it. One of the big reasons is because I'm excited to begin to touch base on this revealing that PROVES, Who the son of perdition is, by proving When he comes! It's revealed today with absolute clarity in the Gospel of John

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November 25, 2019

What Are We Looking For? PEACE is the Answer

Today we look deeper into what it is we're actually looking for...what will kick it all off. We have been told what it is and the scriptures have told us those watching and praying will be fully aware of it as well! So today we will show beyond a shadow of a doubt, that that is what it is. And we'll add even greater detail of it from the teaching the Triumphal Entry from the 3 perspectives of Luke, Mark and Matthew

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November 19, 2019

We ARE at the Door! Simeon, Noah and The LIGHT!

From Simeon's count when the Lord was brought to him, as well as Noah's days of entering the ark! Both of whom are given to us by Jesus Himself in Luke only as witnesses to understand this coming season in This the 70th YEAR! We're also going to come into a Greater understanding of Luke's Discourse, that will reveal to us even more connections to this coming moment in time, and the season of events that will BEGIN IT ALL!

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November 16, 2019

The Inevitable Timeline! (revealed and confirmed)

This is One of those mind blowing teachings that's going to leave you picking your jaws up off the floor! We Know it, we See it and we DO have Understanding!!! Get your pens or pencils and paper ready and be prepared to pause and re listen again When necessary

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November 12, 2019

Take Comfort! WE KNOW Where We Are

But we here in Ministry Revealed take great comfort in KNOWING that we are Truly in the 70th year of Israel, meaning it cannot be much longer. I SO SO want to get that across to everyone we can so that they don't stress over a day here or there that hasn't been "the day" yet... Because WE KNOW where we Are!

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November 7, 2019

From His Birth to His Return! Are YOU Ready? (must watch!)

Are YOU Ready? Hold on to your hats...this is going to be a trip of Revealed Understanding! Shown from His birth with the Star of Bethlehem (think Simeon connection) to His coming for His bride, based on the accurate count from His Birth to 2019! The connection to the days in the count for the possible Escape, then the 40 days and the 10 for the power of the Holy Ghost are absolutely significant as Never Before!

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November 4, 2019

At His Coming NEAR!

Greater confirming understanding from our dear past brother Chuck Missler. Even though the understanding of Daniel 9 was incomplete, as it is with so many others. Parts of what is said, as he pulls bits out of it, revealed and confirmed for us even more. And much of it, not even understood by him, in it's fuller implication to end time understanding

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November 1, 2019

Peace and Terrified!

Today's revelation came from what we read in the title, the words Peace and Terrified! They reveal to us the confirmed escape and start of the 40 days when He returns From the Wedding and shows up In The Midst of Them for...40 days! Brothers and Sisters there is just no way we have much longer. It IS the 70th Year! We have shown over and over again

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October 29, 2019

Once Seen All Solved...narrow IS the way!

The answer is revealed in the true end time understanding of Who the Gospels are speaking too and the 14 years! And like the end of 13 years revelation, so has this one always been sitting there in the same truth of understanding of end times! So buckle up and take your time to follow it all. So that once the answer'll see it was there the whole time and realize truly how simple the answer really was!

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October 25, 2019

To Write Unto You IN ORDER... He did!

Hold on tight! Do you truly desire deeper understanding of the scriptures? Then get your bibles, note pads and pens ready. Because what you're about to understand is a greater depth of understanding then we've gone down to before, next level. Revealing what Luke meant when he said "in order". This revealing connects us to Moses and his times going up the mountain. They reveal to us WHO he was speaking and their season!

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October 22, 2019

Peace and Safety and The ESCAPE

OK because we KNOW where we are. It IS the 70th year and time IS every short. In today's video we will be bringing a little more clarity to the season and time we're in. We spoke briefly about this in the last video. And considering the "8th day" has passed (if the calendars are correct). We should now then look more closely at Simeon! I believe he maybe the answer

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October 17, 2019

Confirmed in the STARS... RIGHT NOW!

The Process of Elimination and Confirmed in the Stars! There were a couple things brought to my attention today. Both of which CONFIRM again the precision of this exact time frame in OCTOBER we've been showing. One is very prophetic and the other is a confirmation I had hoped to one day the STARS!

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October 14, 2019

WHY? The Summary

A summary video...if that was at all possible? Well today I did my best to be as detailed and not, as possible due to time. Covering some of the biggest reveals this ministry has been given to date, by the power of the Holy Spirit from the start. And there have been many!!! I've put together a short 3 page doc as well that lays what we overall discuss as we go into the scriptures to reveal them and bring them all together into one

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October 9, 2019

Revealing... Whom He Loved - to the End!

Today we go into a couple areas, as usual, but with a focus today in the Book of John. A revealing from chapter 6 and it's connections to other places in his book relating to the chapters to years of John, as well as to the Book of Daniel, Luke, Mark, Matthew, Zechariah, know the drill:) And I also include and talk about a post from the forum that just gets me very excited when I see or hear of it!

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October 5, 2019

Understand...We're Here! Get Onboard

In today's video we'll cover a number of different areas we've been covering lately. BUT we'll be tying them all together from other places we haven't been covering yet. Showing and proving again and again and again, that the revelations Revealed here ARE true! And that our Houses had better be in Order! Because the "Train" is about to leave the station!

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October 1, 2019

Scripture Reveals the Calendar! (and it's now)

There is just other possibility. You will see yet again from today's calendar count using scripture, that this IS the year and season. As we go through and teach the absolute revealing from Daniel to Revelation. While we do, you'll understand when and how long the war with Satan against the 2 witnesses will be, what time frame it will start and how long things will last

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September 28, 2019

Vital to Keep from Sleeping! Israel Is 70!

Let's wake them all up to the truth of the 70th Year! It IS Vital for the world of believers to Understand and to Know....WE ARE IN THE 70TH YEAR OF ISRAEL! And Everything Prophetic scripturally has told us It Will Begin in the 70th and today's video will prove exactly that. We Must Wake Them Up, to the best of our abilities, those who have gone back to sleep. Let us show them this one Simple Truth...She IS 70!

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September 25, 2019

Where we are the Resurrection of the Dead!

Today's video starts off with a look at where I believe we are as of today from Acts 15. Following the order of it places us at the peace deal next and the escape to follow. This and more is revealed in Acts 15, it is the beginning! From there we go into the bulk of the video which is the understanding of the resurrection of the dead. We have been so miss taught in 1Cor.15 to believe the twinkling of an eye is speaking to the "rapture"

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September 21, 2019

Revealed in the FAST! The Coming Escape and Tribulation

Backing and proving in greater detail the truth of what was revealed and its relation to Dan at the timeframe of the Escape! PLUS, an incredible, AH HA moment during today's video that proves the "Why", Israel/Jerusalem will be destroyed first and remain empty for the 7 years of seals, until the Lord comes on Mount Zion to start Turmpets and rebuild the city and streets! GOD is soooo good

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September 17, 2019

Seeing THE END as Never Before! (Must Share)

Today's teaching is Powerful, Deep Truth revealed and connected like never before. It absolutely beyond a shadow of a doubt confirms this coming season in 2019, as we've been proving. And will reveal who will work when in each group, to His return Feet Down on the Mount of Olives and through to the End of the World

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September 14, 2019

Are YOU Ready? Get Ready!

EXCITING video. And I mean Exciting!!! You will see even more witnesses to the truth that there is; NO OTHER YEAR. From Daniel to the sun, moon and stars to John to Hosea to Zechariah to Genesis... . They are ALL revealing the Exact Same time and year! In the 3rd and Final year of Cyrus/ Trump!

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September 11, 2019

Comparing with Understanding and a 70th Confirmation!

We're going to spend a little time breaking down what the enemies of of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ are looking for and how they give us more clarity into the timeframe and events of the scriptures. It's pretty amazing! I did not know most of this! And we'll bring it all home with more evidence into the 70th year we're in now

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September 7, 2019

Everything IS About to Change...We'll Prove it!

If you are not able to SEE the UNDERSTANDING of the season and time WE ARE about to begin, from This'll need to watch it again, pray and ask the Lord to reveal the truth of it to you! And then watch some other teachings here as well! Today's video should blow your mind in the understanding of End Time scriptures being revealed

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September 4, 2019

The Churches and their Males and Females?

Today's video is the continuation I said would come regarding the "males and females" from Genesis 1 and 2 and their connection to the a deeper understanding of the churches and who they are in the book of Revelation and the Gospels? This is an awesome and indepth teaching that will take more then one viewing I'm sure. Like so often we connect from Genesis to Revelation

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August 29, 2019

The Differences and The Truth!

The Truth revealed, that Re writes 1,000,000s of End Time books published in stores today! A truth and understanding that I KNOW many of you know, clearly now. BUT there is a large portion of you who do not yet fully see it or understand and have been confused. So today I wanted to clear it up the absolute best way I possibly could. To put it down in printable form for everyone to follow along with and make notes on along the way

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August 25, 2019

71st Year or 70th? Deep call unto Deep!

The year of the Escape, this year, has not changed!!! But an understanding has. The biggest issue lately that has now surfaced twice in recent months is....the 70th year or 70years count? IF Israel was truly 71 as were lead to believe why has everything the scripture said would begin in the 70th year...

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August 21, 2019

Absolutely Incredible! About an 8th DAY!!! (and more)

Ohhhhh my!!! You are going to want to tune into today's teaching! You are going to understand without a doubt THE understanding of the 8th Day, as you have never been taught or shown before, at any time in your life! So hold on tight. Our dear brother Luke and the "about an 8th day" is now revealed in its entirety. And's for the BRIDE and in this, the year of her Redemption!

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August 19, 2019

The scripture, the prophets, the seers and teachers

We may be in a very big week, indeed. They have All shown us that; There IS No Other Year! And This week in particular seems to be the one they're point to? But Who are They?....Scriptures, prophets, seers, teachers AND sun, moon and stars. So do not be discouraged!!! Let's strenghten, encourage and support each other and our families in these final days

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August 14, 2019

Revelation Upon Revelation...Are You READY!

Today we connect more detail to the revelation of the Marrying and Given in Marriage to those Who ARE Accounted Worthy of THAT WORLD:) The revelations hidden in the end time understanding, of the books revealed, is Awesome and still coming!!! To cap it all off we'll also reveal some greater hidden understanding in the Gospel of John that prove his understanding being revealed in the final 21 years of His 21 Chapters!

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August 11, 2019

Fasting and Mourning ISN'T Over Yet!!! (rememeber Luke!)

While in prayer last night, asking the LORD, what have I missed or misunderstood about the 5 Month? Today's revelation came directly into my thoughts!!! Get ready, it is all about to begin. It is only a few days away:) The Mystery lies in what we have recently been speaking about. But we hadn't completely understood it, in its point or purpose

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August 6, 2019


Today's video is the Evidence of the true URGENCY of this very exact moment in ALL of human history, we find ourselves in!!! The moment in time that the Apostles, prophets, and angels were looking forward to and wanting to be being a part of!!! Seek the Lord in All truth and ask in prayer to understand that this is indeed the year, season

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August 2, 2019

Jaw Dropping...August and BEYOND!!!

Today's video is going to have your jaw dropping to the floor at least a couple times! Wait until you see what's coming and when in the month of August/ Av. EVERYTHING and I mean EVERYTHING points directly to THIS MONTH in history. When I say your jaw will hit the floor wait until you see the understanding revealed

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July 29, 2019

Anti-Christ vs Satan (understand the difference)

Today we're going down the trail of understanding which scriptures are speaking about the anti-christ and which are about satan? The reason... to clarify the confusion taught in the churches! When explained in 7 years it's taught that the anti-christ is satan and that the satan scriptures are about the anti-christ!

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July 25, 2019

Seek & Find, Find, Find!

Today is a get your study notebooks out and pens ready, kind of day. Be prepared some of you to pause and replay along the way. Today we do a little seek and find. Getting a little glimpse into how it works for me in following a crumb and seeing what comes of it!

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July 22, 2019

Connecting Prophetic Words to NOW!

today's prophetic word teachings...not from me, but understood and revealed by me:) These prophetic visions, words and expirences will show that our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ is no respecter of persons. They're old, young, black, white, brown, Jew and Gentile! And they're ALL speaking the Same language....

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July 18, 2019

Transfigurations REVEALED! A Year Like No Other!

More connections to the books in end time understanding like never before seen! The transfiguration IS understood! If you still aren't sure if the books are truly opening here...then follow closely and see clearly for yourself. I love you all and I'm looking forward to hugs all around Very soon. In Jesus precious and Holy Name!!!

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July 12, 2019

Jonah told us The CITY in a Mystery!

Today we touch on some touchy parts of scripture, all in a build up to... one; the season we're in of course and being ready. And second; to build up to the reveal of the mystery hidden in the book of Jonah. The mystery of the NAME of the city in which the warning will come from!!! The warning from the Son of man as Jesus told us in Luke Jonah was so shall the Son of man be...

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July 9, 2019

Like Biblical NUMBERS? (then you'll LOVE this)

Today's video is one that everyone who's into Bible Prophecy WILL want to watch! If you've ever wanted to truly understand Daniel's numbers and the "when" of them, like 2300, 1290 and 1335...Then watch today's teaching and do so ready to study, pause, rewind, and seek the truth of it for yourself.

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July 5, 2019

Why HE said in the Prophets and Psalms!

Today's video is a deep dive into WHY Jesus told them...not until the things in the Prophets and Psalms are fillfilled about Him! Today we look at what He was telling them. Going deeper then we have in teachings before and into prophets that we haven't looked at for a long time. Tying them and the Psalms all together PROVING beyond a doubt the season and time we're in and that what is revealed here is True

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June 30, 2019

Damascus a RUINOUS Heap...When?

The Answer to The Burden of Damascus. Understand when the Lord said He would destroy them! It has been revealed throughout the scriptures. He told us "once He had completed His work upon Mount Zion and Jerusalem". WOW!! Share, share, share!!!

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June 26, 2019

MYSTERY of the " COMMA AND" (and its importance)

Today's teaching is one of those Amazing Gems of understanding that was revealed to me in study over a year ago. I've spoken about it here and there and showed it in a scenario, but haven't made a video with it as the focus to key pieces of understanding. So I thought this would be a great time to do so

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May 1, 2019

We Have Another Witness....We ARE Moments Away!

We have another scripture witness to the time and season that IS upon us. Our brother Ezekiel confirms for us as a 5th witness, from the scriptures, that indeed this is the time. And that the 40 days will begin After the 7th day....which IS the 17th day of the Second month and THIS Year........ it Lands directly 100% on the day of....MAY 22nd 2019, AFTER the 7 days!!!

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